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Dried nutmeg seed coat
Nutmeg with inner shell, mace and fruit

With the mace (formerly maccis ) (or Germanized ) the mace is also the "mace" (Middle High German also muscātbluome ) called aril of the fruit of the nutmeg Nussbaum called. Dried or ground, mace is used to season pastries , meat dishes and some types of sausage . Like nutmeg, mace has an aromatic, resinous and slightly bitter taste, but it is milder. By squeezing the mace, nutmeg balm (i.e. nutmeg butter ) can also be obtained.

Macis was brought to Europe by Arab traders in the 11th century, where it was mistakenly mistaken for the dried blossom of the nutmeg tree. In the Middle Ages, mace was used as a medicinal drug for diseases of the liver, spleen and stomach and is also a remedy in Ayurvedic medicine and Indonesian folk medicine. The goods were traded in terms of Sankal or Troy weight. Macis is also used to make perfumes, soaps and ointments. Today mace no longer plays the prominent role in western cuisine that it played in the 18th century. In Bavarian cuisine , mace is used in the production of white sausages and meat loaf . Macis also plays a certain role in Dutch cuisine (Indonesia was a colony of the Netherlands until 1949).


  • Hager's Handbook of Pharmaceutical Practice. 5th edition 1993, see there: Myristicae arillus (Macis) .

Web links

Commons : Macis  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Macis  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Georges: maccis, idis, f.
  2. Duden: Mazis .
  3. ^ Georg August Pritzel , Carl Jessen : The German folk names of plants. New contribution to the German linguistic treasure. Philipp Cohen, Hanover 1882; Reprint in 2 volumes, Amsterdam 1967, p. 242.
  4. ^ Macis (lexicon entry). In: Herders Conversations-Lexikon. 1st edition, Herder'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Freiburg im Breisgau 1854. 1854, accessed on April 10, 2019 .
  5. Nutmeg balsam (lexicon entry). In: Pierer's Universal Lexicon of the Past and Present. 4th edition, publishing house by HA Pierer , Altenburg 1857–1865. 1865, Retrieved April 10, 2019 .
  6. Irmgard Müller: The herbal remedies with Hildegard von Bingen. Healing knowledge from monastery medicine. Otto Müller, Salzburg 1982, ISBN 978-3-7013-0630-5 , No. 78.
  7. ^ Constantinus Africanus : De gradibus quos vocant simplicium liber. In: Constantini Africani post Hippocratem et Galenum […]. Basel 1536, pp. 342–387, here: p. 355.
  8. Macis on, accessed on April 16, 2018.