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#MeTwo is a hashtag against discrimination against people with a migration background . Since the call to use the hashtag in July 2018 by social activist Ali Can , it has been used thousands of times on Twitter.


In 2016, Ali Can founded the "Hotline for Concerned Citizens". His book of the same name was published in August 2017. On July 24, 2018, the online magazine Perspective Daily published its video call for the hashtag #MeTwo on the social network Facebook and the microblogging service Twitter . The play on words with the same- sounding hashtag #MeToo is intentional. The designation #MeTwo is intended to express that the authors have more than one identity, i.e. that they feel connected to Germany and another country or culture. In the hashtag, people report on their experiences with everyday racism.

On June 26, 2018, two days after Can and Perspective Daily published the video, the hashtag went viral on Twitter after BR journalist Malcolm Ohanwe shared five incisive everyday racism stories on Twitter , and his followers from the activist sector followed suit . Meanwhile the project is u. a. supported by Heiko Maas , Katarina Barley and Robert Habeck . The hashtag gained widespread awareness after the Mesut-Özil racism debate after it had raised serious allegations against the DFB and civil society. The hashtag was shared thousands of times, and it was reported in national and international media. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier called #MeTwo at his first appointment after the political summer break and invited German-Turkish neighbors to a chat at Bellevue Palace.

An analysis of the tweets showed that many reported that they were discouraged at school and that they did not receive a teacher recommendation for high school. According to the author Canan Topçu, it is from these findings, also in view of the results of studies on discrimination against Turkish children on the basis of their name in the grading in primary school, that the policy can be derived from making a racism-critical and prejudice - conscious self-reflection an integral part of teacher training .


  1. »Why I started #MeTwo« . In: Perspective Daily . ( [accessed on August 8, 2018]).
  2. Perspective Daily on Twitter. Retrieved August 8, 2018 .
  3. # MeTwo debate: The network discusses everyday racism. In: July 27, 2018, accessed July 28, 2018 .
  4. ↑ No more opinion making! This is how we turn #MeTwo into a real debate on racism. In: Perspective Daily. August 28, 2018. Retrieved August 28, 2018 .
  5. “#MeTwo” is becoming a trend - MP describes an unpleasant experience with DFB boss Grindel, from July 27, 2018, accessed on August 4, 2017
  6. Mesut Özil, the double symbol. In: July 27, 2018, accessed July 28, 2018 .
  7. #MeTwo draws attention to racism in everyday life on Twitter. In: FAZ. July 27, 2018, accessed July 28, 2018 .
  8. a b Canan Topçu : Discussion about #MeTwo. In: This is how Germany ticks ( September 11, 2018, accessed October 6, 2018 .