Guinea pig mange

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Skin injuries from scratching in a guinea pig mange

The Meerschweinchenräude (including sarcoptic mange ) is a parasitic -induced skin disease of guinea pigs that with violent itching associated and severe skin lesions. The pathogen is the mite Trixacarus caviae , which is closely related to the grave mites ( Sarcoptes ) and feeds on lymph and cell fluid. It is transmitted through direct contact between animals, and poor keeping conditions promote the disease. A weakened immune system of individual animals can also promote the disease. Trixacarus caviae can also pass to humans as a false host and cause a temporary "pseudo scabies ", so the disease is a zoonosis .


The guinea pig mange usually begins in the area of ​​the lips and the bridge of the nose, with more severe infestation it can spread to the entire body. It is characterized by hair loss ( alopecia ) and skin thickening ( lichenification ). As a result of the very strong itching, scratching can cause skin injuries and the formation of scabs. If the infection is severe, the extreme itching can trigger epilepsy- like attacks. These attacks can usually also be triggered by vigorous stroking.

The diagnosis can be made on the basis of the clinical picture and microscopic pathogen detection from a skin scrap. In the differential diagnosis , cryptococcosis ( Cryptococcus neoformans ) and infestation with fur mites ( Chirodiscoides caviae ) must be excluded.

The therapy is usually subcutaneously with acaricide acting ectoparasiticides such as fipronil , ivermectin , doramectin , selamectin or amitraz . Antibacterial and fungicidal agents can be applied to the skin to prevent secondary infection from skin fungi or bacteria. Orally administered antihistamines , which can reduce the itching and thus the risk of epilepsy-like seizures, can also be helpful .


  • W. Beck, N. Pantchev: Parasitoses of the guinea pig. In: Practical Parasitology in Pets. Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft, Hanover 2006, ISBN 3-89993-017-7 , pp. 35–60.
  • E. Wasel: Sarcoptic mange. In: K. Gabrisch, P. Zwart: Diseases of pets. 6th edition. Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft, Hanover 2005, ISBN 3-89993-010-X , pp. 63–64

See also