Milestone (Zeitz)

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Prussian all-mile obelisk in Zeitz
Prussian all-mile obelisk in Zeitz

The milestone in Zeitz is a listed small monument in the Burgenland district in Saxony-Anhalt .

On Friedensstrasse, southwest of the city center of Zeitz, there is a whole mile stone on which, in addition to Berlin 29 miles and Weißenfels 2_ miles , Zeitz Meile is also written. While the first inscription indicates that the milestone belongs to the Chaussee from Berlin via Halle (Saale) to Giebelroth on the Thuringian border, the second says that the nearest town Weißenfels is more than two miles , i.e. more than 15 kilometers, away. The fraction that was behind the number can still be seen on old pictures and can be reconstructed as 1/2 .

The third inscription is explained by the fact that the all-mile obelisks are no longer in their historical location, but all moved 2.8 kilometers when the Weißenfels market was set as the new zero point for this section of the route instead of Dönhoffplatz in Berlin. It has not yet been possible to determine whether Zeitz had a number of miles, but it is conceivable that this was omitted because it was originally close to the city limits. The word mile indicates that there was an indication, but on the previous whole milestone in Theißen there is the indication Zeitz 1 mile , so that there could actually be no indication of miles, unless it looked for a different reference point in Zeitz than the other stones .

In Memorial directory is the distance indicator, which is located in the Peace Street (height Michael Park), with the detection number 094 66109 as a small monument entered. In 2003 the inscription was redrawn. It is not clear whether the benches have disappeared or sunk into the ground.


  • Olaf Grell: Considerations on the system and the labeling of the milestones on the old Chaussee Halle - Weißenfels - Zeitz - Gera. In: Das Meilenstein-Journal 25 (2005) 49, pp. 12-16.
  • Eberhard Wirth: On the way on the mail course from Giebelroth to Weißenfels. In: Das Meilenstein-Journal 23 (2003) 45, pp. 4–8.

Individual evidence

  1. Grell, p. 13.
  2. Grell, p. 16.
  3. Grell, pp. 15-16; Wirth, p. 6.
  4. ↑ List of monuments of the state of Saxony-Anhalt (pdf) - answer of the state government to a small question for written answer (the MPs Olaf Meister and Prof. Dr. Claudia Dalbert; Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) - printed matter 6/3905 from March 19, 2015 (KA 6/8670).

Coordinates: 51 ° 2 ′ 30.1 ″  N , 12 ° 7 ′ 27.5 ″  E