Meir Bialer

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Meir Bialer (born January 30, 1948 ) is an Israeli pharmacist and medical chemist with special epilepsy expertise.

life and work

After studying pharmacy in Jerusalem, Bialer was 1980–1984 Lecturer and 1984–1988 Senior Lecturer, 1988–1993 Associate Professor and has been Full Professor of Pharmacy at the School of Pharmacy of the Medical Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem since 1993 . From 1994 to 1997 he was head of the pharmaceutical department.

Bialer was u. a. 1996–2001 President of the Israeli League Against Epilepsy and from 2002 its secretary.

He is co-founder and member of the organizing committee of the annual "Eilat Conferences on New Antiepileptic Drugs".

From 2009 to 2017 he was chairman of the Commission on European Affairs (CEA) of the International League Against Epilepsy (International League Against Epilepsy, ILAE) and from 2013 to 2017 and board member of the ILAE.


  • 2001: "Ambassador for Epilepsy" by the ILAE and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE)
  • 2014: Corresponding member of the German Society for Epileptology (DGfE)

Individual evidence

  1. Krämer G. Lexicon of Epileptology. Bad Honnef, Hippocampus Verlag 2012: 171
  2. Bialer M, Johannessen SI, Levy RH, et al. Progress report on new antiepileptic drugs: A summary of the Thirteenth Eilat Conference on New Antiepileptic Drugs and Devices (EILAT XIII). Epilepsia 2017; 58: 181-221