Master of Magic

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Master of Magic (MdM) is a free pen & paper role-playing game with a fantasy setting. In terms of rules, the game is based on a D6 or D20 dice system, so only six- or twenty-sided dice are used for playing. An important aspect of the game system is its openness to changes; everyone can adapt the game to their own ideas.

Game system

The character is defined by personality traits (PM) and characteristics (ES). Personality traits describe the main features of the character: The PM body, motor skills, consciousness, spirit, intellect and charisma form values ​​such as life points and battle dice, which are often used in situations such as fights. Three properties are assigned to a PM, one ES is assigned directly to the PM, the other two are assigned to the two adjacent PMs at the same time. A graphic description, the so-called character prism, is used to visualize this. Battles are fought based on physical attributes such as life points, battle dice, and actions. These attributes are calculated from the PM. The battle dice are freely distributed for performing limited actions. MdM has no tier system. Experience points are increased directly as PM, resulting in adjacent properties can also be increased.

Character creation

An important feature of character creation is creating the hero story. A story describes who the character is: appearance, origin, traits, motivation, equipment and, last but not least, his skills. Since MdM knows no classes , this is the only way to clearly describe the character. So you don't say: "For my character I choose the fighter class", rather you describe the character as muscular and athletic, with weapon skills. The story that arises around these facts gives the hero an additional profile, which is always useful for good role-playing.


MdM is strongly influenced by magic. A character who is magically gifted has to follow a few more rules, but in return also has more playful options. The magic is divided into the following directions, from which the wizard can choose up to four:

  • Neutral magic : The magician's tools that offer him suitable spells for many situations.
  • Nature magic : Nature magic offers many useful spells and is very versatile. Elemental spells of the earth and ice are also represented.
  • Sorcerer magic : Sorcerer magic offers spells from the domains of spirit, wind and water. Travel spells and invisibility spells can also be cast.
  • Chaos Magic: The magic of fire and destruction. Chaos magic enables the caster to use powerful combat spells to kill or incapacitate enemies.
  • Life magic : This direction mainly offers healing and protective magic. The wards work particularly well against death magic. Life magic and death magic can only be combined in the rarest of cases.
  • Death magic : Death magic focuses on control, fear and death spells. Curses and raising undead servants are also often used.

In addition, the magician can also summon and control magical creatures that also belong to the magical directions. It is also possible to create powerful magical items.

Game world

MdM plays in the fantastic game world Ganthor. Magic and fighting rules, race descriptions and scientific laws have been developed for this fantasy world , but these also work in a different context. Ganthor is a classic fantasy world that stretches from north to south and is characterized by polar regions , tundra , high and low mountain ranges , temperate , subtropical and tropical climates similar to Earth. Ganthor is inhabited by humans and the "classic" fantasy races such as elves , dwarves , orcs , ogres , goblins and halflings . These, in turn, are divided into many sub-races, many of which players can choose from when creating characters.

As is written in Ganthor's history books, far to the east, west of the "great ridge" and after "the eternal salt desert", there is an isolated, smaller continent called Kajin. Creatures from earlier times are said to live there (typical fantasy and fairy tales / mythical creatures such as minotaurs, fauns, fairies, goblins, etc.). Races from Ganthor can also be found here (elves, dwarves, etc.), which fled from Ganthor a long time ago to avoid the prophesied impact of the "Great Meteor".


MdM is published under a Creative Commons license , which allows the game to be changed freely, distribution may take place with the attribution of the original, commercial use is not permitted. The system was tried to be kept as open as possible to make it easier for players to change. The basic system is independent of the game world, races and context. For example, a game system adapted to W20 has already been published that can be downloaded from the homepage at the same time.

The W20 system

As the name suggests, this system of "Masters of Magic" mainly works with a twenty-sided die. It is suitable for advanced players and game masters. The core of the W20 system is that the skills, personality traits are linked with the characteristics. In this way the hero who trains "climbing" also increases his physical value and, obviously, his strength. Conversely, general physical fitness and strength have a positive effect on climbing skills. In addition, the W20 system is characterized by the sophisticated sciences (runology, artifacts, alchemy, etc.). To play MdMW20, a player only needs one or two D20s, two to six D6s, a pawn, the character document, a pencil and an eraser.

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