Master of the Osservanza

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Master of the Osservanza: Birth of Mary with scenes from the life of Mary , approx. 1428–39. Museo d'Arte Sacra, Asciano
Master of the Osservanza: Flagellation of Christ , approx. 1440–1444. Rome, Vatican Art Gallery
Master of the Osservanza: Saint Anthony and the Mount of Gold , ca.1435. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Master of Osservanza (Italian Maestro dell'Osservanza ) was an Italian painter who worked between 1440 and 1480. The master belongs to the Siena School and painted in their style influenced by Byzantine art .


A triptych in the Basilica dell'Osservanza in Siena was originally assigned to the painter Stefano di Giovanni Sassetta . However, art historians then began to see differences between the work and Sasetta's style and grouped this and a number of other pictures under the new emergency name of the master of the Osservanza . The works are now assigned to Sano di Pietro .

Works (selection)


Scenes from the Passion

Scenes from the life of Saint Anthony

Web links

Commons : Master of the Osservanza  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Based on an article by R. Longhi from 1940, see R. Longhi: Fatti di Masolino e di Masaccio: e altri studi sul Quattrocento: 1910-1967 Florenz, Sansoni, 1975, p. 60
  2. ^ A. Graziano: Il Maestro dell'Osservanza . In: Proporzioni , 2.1948, pp. 75-88
  3. ^ E. Carli: Sassetta e il Maestro dell'Osservanza . (Series: I Sommi dell'Arte Italiana), Milan, Aldo Martello, 1957
  4. Torriti, Piero: Tutta Siena. Contrada per Contrada, Edizioni Bonechi, Florence 2004, ISBN 88-7204-456-1 , pp. 46, 193, 400
  5. ^ Website of the Basilica dell'Osservanza, viewed April 26, 2011 (Italian)