Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena

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Facade of the Pinacoteca Nazionale

The Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena is an art gallery in Siena ( Italy ) and contains important works from the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries as well as international masterpieces in the Spannocchi collection .


The art gallery was inaugurated in 1932 and has since been located in the third third of the city, Terzo di Città, in the buildings Palazzo Brigidi and Palazzo Buonsignori in Via San Pietro 29. The latter dates from the 15th century and was modeled on the Palazzo Pubblico . On March 4, 1915, Niccolò Bonobligo, the last owner of the Buonsignori palace, gave the building to the local provincial administration with the condition that a museum or an art gallery be built in it. By decree of May 15, 1930, the move to Via San Pietro was decided. Due to a lack of space, the Palazzo Brigidi was added, it dates from the 14th century and served as the residence of the Pannocchieschi family .

The art collection comes mainly from the Accademia di belle arti di Siena (Academy of Fine Arts), which was founded on September 26, 1816 by Giovanni Bianchi in Via degli belle arti (today Via della Sapienza, since the library is now there) and Contained 90 works. This had its origin in the art collection of the monks Giuseppe Ciaccheri and Luigi de Angelis, who collected the works between 1750 and 1810. De Angelis made a first attempt to catalog the collection. In 1847, Alessandro Saracini, President of the Academy, commissioned the expert Carlo Pini to restructure the collection in order to correct De Angeli's numerous mistakes and to achieve a chronological order. The collection was later expanded to include works from the Santa Maria della Scala pilgrimage hospice . In the 19th century it came into the possession of the Comune di Siena and in 1864 it was subordinated to the Province of Siena , which it renamed Galleria Provinciale delle belle arti in 1866 . Under the direction of Cesare Brandi , who cataloged the collection completely for the first time, it moved to Via San Pietro and was first named Regia Pinacoteca di Siena , later its current name.

Art collection

Madonna dell'Umiltà (1433) by Domenico di Bartolo

The building has four floors, with the ground floor only being used as an entrance area and for offices and service rooms. Here is a sarcophagus of the Etruscans and a door of the ruined convent of the Olivetan at the city gate Porta Tufi .

Works from the 16th century are exhibited on the first floor. In room 22 there is the Sacra famiglia by Girolamo Siciolante da Sermoneta (* 1521 in Sermoneta , † around 1580) and Il paradiso by Bartolomeo Neroni (called Il Riccio). Room 23 contains several works by Pietro di Francesco Orioli . Room 26 is dedicated to sculptures , including several by Gano di Fazio (also called Gano da Siena, active from 1290 to 1318), Redentore Benedicente , Episodi della vita del beato Gioacchino Piccolomini , (marble sculptures). Rooms 27 to 32 show works by Sodoma , Domenico Beccafumi , Girolamo del Pacchia and Marco Pino . Works from the 17th century are also shown in halls 33 to 36. These include paintings by Domenico Manetti , Rutilio Manetti , Bernardino Mei ( Ghismunda ), Francesco Nasini, Astolfo Petrazzi , Pietro Sorri and Raffaello Vanni . In addition, works by Ventura Salimbeni and his father Arcangelo Salimbeni ( Madonna incoronata all'eterno , room 22) can be viewed on the first floor .

The second floor contains the older works from the 14th and 15th centuries. Rooms 1 to 2 show works by Guido da Siena and artists from his era, rooms 3 and 4 deal with Duccio di Buoninsegna and the works of his students, rooms 5 and 6 are dedicated to Simone Martini and the artists of his time. In room 7 there are paintings by the Lorenzetti brothers Pietro and Ambrogio . In rooms 12 and 13 there are more than 15 works by Giovanni di Paolo . Neroccio di Bartholomeo di Benedetto de 'Landi and Matteo di Giovanni are exhibited in room 14. Room 15 shows pictures by the lesser-known artists Pietro di Domenico da Montepulciano and Bernardino Fungai . Sano di Pietro is represented with several works in rooms 16 and 17. In the last room on the floor (room 19) there are paintings by Girolamo di Benvenuto , Benvenuto di Giovanni ( Ascensione di Cristo , 1491) and Il Vecchietta . On the second floor there are also works by Luca di Tommè ( Gesù in casa del fariseo , room 5), Bartolomeo Bulgarini (also called Maestro d'Ovile and Ugolino Lorenzetti, San Galgano e Sant'Ansano , room 7), and Paolo di Giovanni Fei and Bernardo Daddi ( Madonna col Bambino, Natività e Crocifissione , room 9).

The third floor has served as the exhibition space for the Spannocchi collection (Collezione Spannocchi) since 1977 , which differs significantly from the Senese artists and is dedicated to northern Italian and international artists. There are paintings by Albrecht Dürer and Lorenzo Lotto , among others . The complete collection is divided into two parts, the first, still unexplored part, is in the Palazzo Pubblico, the second in the Pinacoteca Nazionale. The older part of the collection seems to have been contributed by Enea Silvio Piccolomini , the origin seems to come from his activities around 1460 near Mantua and Gonzaga . The collection then passed on to the Spannocchi-Piccolomini family through inheritances and marriages. The source of the documentation of the origin of the collection is a writing by Abbot Girolamo Carli from the 18th century, which is in the Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati a Siena. In 1835 the collection was transferred to the Akademie delle Belle Arti by the Spannocchi family. Other well-known works in the collection are by Alessandro Varotari (called Il Padovanino, * 1588 in Padova , † 1649 in Venice ; Ratto d'Europa ), Giulio Carpioni (* 1613 in Venice, † January 29, 1678 in Vicenza ; Il diluvio di deucalione )

Artists and works (selection)

Adorazione dei Magi by Bartolo di Fredi
Santa Caterina da Siena received the vote fra i santi Benedetto e Gerolamo by Domenico Beccafumi

Second floor: 14./15. century

First floor: 16th century

Fuga di Enea da Troia (1508/09) by Girolamo Genga
Nascita di Gesù by Lorenzo Lotto
  • Domenico Beccafumi : Discesa di Cristo al Limbo (1530–1535), Santa Caterina da Siena riceve le Stimmate fra i santi Benedetto e Gerolamo (around 1515), Santa Lucia (1521), San Michele scaccia gli angeli ribelli (around 1524)
  • Girolamo del Pacchia : Annunciazione e Visitazione (1518, from the Chiesa di Santo Spirito in Siena) and Sacra famiglia con Santa Caterina da Siena (room 31)
  • Sebastiano Folli : La Madonna ed il Bambino appaiono a San Savino (1612)
  • Girolamo Genga : Fugue di Enea da Troia (1508/09)
  • Rutilio Manetti : Trionfo di David
  • Bernardino Mei : Papa Alessandro III. Bandinelli
  • Pietro di Francesco Orioli : Adorazione dei Pastori con San Giovanni Battista , Ascensione di Cristo and Visitazione della Madonna e Santi (room 23)
  • Giacomo Pacchiarotti Carità , Fortezza , Giustizia (room 23)
  • Astolfo Petrazzi : Suonatrice di liuto
  • Pinturicchio : Sacra Famiglia con San Giovannino (room 23)
  • Ventura Salimbeni : Madonna del Madrigale (Room 36)
  • Sodoma : Cristo alla colonna , Deposizione dalla croce (around 1510, oil paints on wood, 426 cm × 263 cm)
  • Francesco Vanni : L'Immacolata e Dio Padre , Il tributo
  • Raffaello Vanni : Decapitazione di San Paolo

3rd floor: Spannocchi collection


Web links

Commons : Pinacoteca Nazionale (Siena)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siena Online , accessed September 10, 2010

Coordinates: 43 ° 18 ′ 56.2 "  N , 11 ° 19 ′ 49.9"  E