Bartolomeo Montagna

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Portrait of Bartolomeo Montagna at the Palazzo Thiene in Vicenza

Bartolomeo Cincani known as Bartolomeo Montagna (* around 1450 in Orzinuovi near Brescia , † October 11, 1523 in Vicenza ) was an important Italian Renaissance painter of his time .

life and work

B. Montagna: Madonna enthroned with St. Homoborus and a beggar, St. Francis and Blessed Bernardo da Feltre as well as St. Katharina , around 1515 ( Bode Museum , Berlin)

Montagna was raised in Venice and worked in Vicenza. He probably did an apprenticeship with Domenico Morone in Verona . He is mentioned for the first time in 1480 and in 1482 was commissioned to paint alongside Gentile Bellini and Giovanni Bellini for the Scuola Grande di San Marco pictures from the history of creation and the Flood (they were destroyed by fire a few years later). His early pictures show influences from Alvise Vivarini and the pictures painted in Venice by Antonello da Messina .

His son Benedetto Montagna (1481 to 1557/1558) supported him, for example with the frescoes for Palazzo Gualdo in Vicenza, which have not been preserved. Benedetto Montagna is best known for engravings and drawings, although some paintings have survived as well.

Some students show him as the founder of a painting school in Vicenza ( Giovanni Buonconsiglio (Marescalco), Francesco da Ponte the Elder, Luca Buscatti, Giovanni Speranza, Francesco Verla).

Works (selection)


Web links

Commons : Bartolomeo Montagna  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Lucio Grossato:  Bartolomeo Montagna. In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI).