Andrea di Bartolo

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Fresco Crocifissione in the Cappella delle Fanciulle , Santa Maria della Scala , Siena

Andrea di Bartolo (* around 1360 in Siena ; † June 3, 1428 ibid) was an Italian painter who painted in the style of the Siena School .


Andrea di Bartolo (also Andrea di Bartolo di Fredi Battilori ) was born as the son of Bartolo di Fredi and his wife Bartolommea di Cecco. He first appeared as a painter in 1389 when he helped his father and Luca di Tommè with work in the cathedral of Siena . From 1405 to 1410 he worked independently on decorations for the cathedral, including in the Cappella di San Vittorio , where in 1409 he designed the figure of San Crescenzio . In 1410 he painted the figures of Sant'Ansano and San Crescenzio by Francesco di Valdambrino , also in the cathedral of Siena, for which he also created window decorations for the sacristy. In the years 1409-1424 he also held various public offices in Siena. During this time his only signed and dated work was created, the Quattro santi of 1413 with the Saints San Giovanni Battista, San Francesco, San Pietro, San Giovanni evangelista for the Basilica dell'Osservanza in Siena. In 1417 he bought a house for 97 Fiorini in Camollia, a third of Senese city . From 1425 at the latest, his workshop was located near the Chiesa di San Cristoforo in the Contrada Tolomei (today Piazza Tolomei, is in the Contrada Civetta (owl)).

His last work was for the Chiesa di San Francesco in Treviso . It is also his only work that he created as a fresco . He died on June 3, 1428 and was buried on the same day near the cloister of the Basilica di San Domenico . Two of his sons, Giorgio d'Andrea di Bartoli and Sano di Andrea Battilori, also became painters. His wife Cristofora died in 1444.

Works (selection)

The picture Resurrezione ( Walters Art Museum ), Baltimore
The picture Salita di Cristo al monte Calvario ( Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza ), Barcelona
  • Altenburg , Lindenau Museum :
    • Santa Caterina d'Alessandria (Saint Catherine of Alexandria,
    • Madonna con Bambino in trono e santi, Crocifissione di Cristo, Annunciazione (Madonna and Child Enthroned, John the Baptist and James the Elder; Crucifixion of Christ; a young saint; Saint Anthony Abbas; Annunciation to Mary, triptych, inv.-no . 58)
  • Avignon , Musée du Petit Palais :
    • San Savino (panel painting, 102 × 36 cm)
    • Sant'Antonio Abate (panel painting, 45 × 31 cm)
    • Santo Vescovo (panel painting, 102 × 36 cm)
  • Baltimore , Walters Art Museum :
    • Resurrezione
    • Strage degli Innocenti
    • Madonna con Bambino in trono tra i quattro Evangelisti
  • Barcelona , Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya , Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza : Salita di Cristo al monte Calvario (panel, 54.5 × 49.2 cm)
  • Bologna , Pinacoteca Nazionale: Ultima Cena (panel, 48.5 × 32 cm)
  • Budapest , Museum of Fine Arts: Annunciazione
  • Buonconvento , Museo di arte sacra della Val d'Arbia: Annunciazione ei Ss. Maddalena e S. Antonio Abate (comes from the Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo, wood painting (winged altar), 122 × 196 cm)
  • Buonconvento, Museo d'Arte Sacra della Val d'Arbia a Buonconvento: Annunciazione
  • Dublin , Irish National Museum : I parenti di san Galgano tentano invano di farlo tornare a casa (panel painting, 40.5 × 38 cm)
  • Milan , Pinacoteca di Brera , room 3: Polittico con l'incoronazione della Vergine
  • Montefollonico (district of Torrita di Siena ), Chiesa di San Sigismondo: Madonna
  • New York City , Metropolitan Museum of Art :
    • Assunzione della Vergine (created around 1395)
    • Crocefissione
  • Oxford , Ashmolean Museum : Santa Lucia
  • Perugia , Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria: Santa Dorotea, Sant'Antonio Abate (winged altar)
  • Princeton , Princeton University Art Museum: Madonna col Bambino
  • Richmond , Virginia Museum of Fine Art: Assumption of the Virgin with St. Thomas
  • Siena, Basilica dell'Osservanza , Cappella 5: Quattro santi: San Giovanni Battista, San Francesco, San Pietro, San Giovanni evangelista , (panel painting, made in 1413)
  • Siena, Siena Cathedral , Cappella San Vittorio: decorations (1406)
  • Siena, Museo Diocesano di Arte Sacra (Oratorio di San Bernardino), room 5: Madonna col Bambino (from the Chiesa di San Pietro a Ovile )
  • Siena, Palazzo Pubblico :
    • Annunciazione
    • Patroni di Siena
    • San Gregorio
  • Siena, Palazzo Salimbeni , art collection of the Monte dei Paschi di Siena : two portraits of the same name of the Santo Evangelista, both 45 × 30 cm and from a winged altar of the Duomo di Tuscania (Dom San Giacomo), in the possession of the MPS since 1985.
    • Santo Evangelista (painted around 1420, panel painting)
    • Santo Evangelista (painted around 1420, panel painting)
  • Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena :
    • San Matteo, San Galgano (Room 10)
    • Madonna in trono con Bambino e Santi (room 11)
  • Siena, Santa Maria della Scala , Cappella delle Fanciulle: Crocifissione (fresco)
  • Stockholm , Swedish National Museum : Compianto sul corpo del Cristo (Inv. 4463)
  • Treviso , Chiesa di San Francesco, frescoes:
    • San Francesco
    • Madonna dell'umiltà con angeli e il Battista
  • Tuscania , Cathedral of San Giacomo: designs and panel paintings


Web links

Commons : Andrea di Bartolo  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Saur p. 511.
  2. cf. Saur p. 511 and ThB p. 449.
  3. cf. Saur p. 511 and DBI
  4. cf. Saur p. 511, ThB p. 449 and DBI
  5. a b c cf. DBI
  6. cf. ThB p. 449.
  7. cf. Torriti SS 401 and DBI
  8. cf. Saur p. 512.
  9. cf. Saur p. 512 and ThB p. 450.
  10. cf. Saur p. 512 and DBI
  11. Official website of the Lindenau Museum with a detail of the painting Santa Caterina d'Alessandria, accessed on November 6, 2011 ( Memento from April 7, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  12. Official website of the Lindenau Museum with a picture of the painting Madonna con Bambino in trono e santi, Crocifissione di Cristo, Annunciazione, accessed on November 6, 2011 ( Memento from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  13. cf. Saur p. 513.
  14. ^ Official website of the Walters Art Museum with image excerpts from the three paintings, accessed on November 6, 2011
  15. Official website of the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza with image details and information on the painting Salita di Cristo al monte Calvario, accessed on November 6, 2011
  16. Official website of the Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna with image details and information on the painting Ultima Cena, accessed on November 6, 2011 ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  17. a b cf. Fondazione Zeri
  18. ^ Serena Padovani / Bruno Santi: Buonconvento. Museo d'arte sacra della val d'arbia, Sagep Editrice, Genoa 1981, ISBN 88-7058-021-0
  19. ^ Website Toscana in Dettaglio for the painting Annunciazione in Buonconvento, accessed on November 7, 2011
  20. FONDAZIONE ZERI - CATALOGO: Andrea di Bartolo, I parenti di san Galgano tentano invano di farlo tornare a casa. In: April 17, 2011, accessed January 24, 2019 (Italian).
  21. ^ Official website of the Pinacoteca di Brera, accessed on November 15, 2011
  22. ^ Website La mit terra di Siena, accessed on November 15, 2011 ( Memento from April 4, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  23. Andrea di Bartolo Cini (c.1358 / 64 - 1428) ( Memento from July 18, 2012 in the web archive )
  24. Official website of the Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali (Le Meraviglie dell'Umbria) with a detail of the Polittico, accessed on November 7, 2011
  25. ^ Official website of the Princeton Art Museum with pictures and information on the restoration, accessed on November 15, 2011 ( Memento of November 20, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  26. ^ Official website of the Virginia Museum of Fine Art with images and information, accessed November 15, 2011
  27. cf. Torriti p. 401 and DBI
  28. Toscana Oggi website for the Museo Diocesano in Siena, accessed on November 6, 2011
  29. cf. Torriti p. 46.
  30. ^ Bruno Santi: Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena: La collezione d'arte. Scala, Florence 1999, p. 13.
  31. Andrea di Bartolo ( Memento from September 4, 2012 in the web archive )
  32. Andrea di Bartolo ( Memento from September 4, 2012 in the web archive )
  33. cf. Torriti p. 181 ff.
  34. cf. Fondazione Zeri, Enrico Toti (ed.): Comune di Siena: Santa Maria della Scala: Mille anni fra storia, arte e archeologia . Protagon Editori, Siena 2008, ISBN 978-88-8024-213-0 , p. 177.
  35. cf. DBI and Fondazione Zeri