Lippo Memmi

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Madonna from the Quatrocento; Uffizi Gallery, Florence; Painted by Lippo Memmi and Simone Martini

Lippo Memmi was a Sienese (better Sienese) painter of the early Renaissance and is attributed to the School of Siena . His work is documented from 1285 to 1357 by written sources .

With his better - known brother-in-law , Simone Martini , he signed the Annunciation to Mary in 1335 for the Cappella di S. Ansano of the cathedral in Siena , which is now in the Uffizi in Florence .

As early as 1317 he made with his father Memmo di Filippuccio a number of Maestà - frescoes for the new city hall of San Gimignano , which virtually repeated martinis Maestà in the Palazzo Pubblico of Siena. Here as there, as later on Stefan Lochner's altar of the Three Kings , the entourage appears in order to the right and left; a canopy denotes the sovereignty zone like the relief-like canopy frame and painted brocade hangings in Lochner's Adoration of the Three Kings Altar.

From the hand Memmi some exist Madonna - panel paintings in the collections of Altenburg , Berlin , Munich , Orvieto and Siena. While his relatives tried to embody the festive joy in their pictures, Memmi's pictures are characterized by a tendency towards slight melancholy .

According to the city ​​archives of San Gimignano, he is also said to have worked in this city as the architect of the city ​​walls and a tower that has been preserved to this day.


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Commons : Lippo Memmi  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files