Simone Martini

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St. Martin turns away from life as a knight and warrior ( Fresco , Basilica San Francesco , Assisi )
Simone Martini: The Dream of St. Martin, ( Fresco , Basilica San Francesco , Assisi )
Fresco by Simone Martini: Maestà

Simone Martini (* 1284 in Siena , † 1344 in Avignon ) was an Italian painter of the Sienese school .

Education and artistic creation

Simone Martini was a student of Duccio and is considered his artistic successor. Martini painted numerous frescoes , panels and altar pieces. He probably had a very good reputation as early as 1315, because in that year he was commissioned to do the fresco in the reception room of the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena , his first dated and signed work.

In 1317 he became court painter to the King of Naples, Robert von Anjou . In 1335 Martini was at the request of Pope Benedict XII. papal court painter in Avignon .

Martini incorporated and perfected the French Gothic with flowing forms and patterns and the noble grace of the figures. His figures show a certain aloofness, they almost seem to float. Due to the mixture of Italian and French style elements, he is considered one of the founders of the international Gothic .


“Founder” of the Avignon School

While Simone Martini was active at the court of the Popes in Avignon , France, his influence on a number of local artists such as Robin de Romans and the merging of Italian and French styles gave rise to a new style of painting whose representatives are now sometimes referred to as the Avignon School can be summarized and as their "founder" Martini can then be considered together with Matteo Giovanetti .


  • Michela Becchis:  Martini, Simone. In: Mario Caravale (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 71:  Marsilli – Massimino da Salerno. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2008, pp. 254-261.
  • August Rave: Corpus Christi in Siena: The Maesta of Simone Martini in the Sala del Mappamondo (= Werner's art history 3). Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft, Worms 1986, ISBN 978-3-88462-503-3

Web links

Commons : Simone Martini  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files