Domenico di Bartolo

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Madonna dell'Umiltà (1433) , Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena
Detail from Madonna e bambino sul trono coi Santi Pietro e Paolo (1430), National Gallery of Art, Washington
Cura e governo degli infermi , Santa Maria della Scala, Siena
Distribuzione delle elemosine , Santa Maria della Scala, Siena
Elemosina del vescovo e accrescimento dell'ospedale , Santa Maria della Scala, Siena

Domenico di Bartolo (actually Domenico Ghezzi , * around 1400 in Asciano , † around 1445 in Siena ) was an Italian painter from the School of Siena .


Domenico Ghezzi di Bartolo was born in Asciano near Siena and, according to Giorgio Vasari's work Le vite dei più eccellenti architetti, pittori et scultori italiani, was a nephew of Taddeo di Bartolo . This was also his first teacher. Later he also seems to have learned from Vecchietta and to have helped him with the execution of the work La Cura del Malato in the Pellegrinaio room of Santa Maria della Scala in Siena. He appeared to have been active as a painter for the first time in 1420 in the cathedral of Siena , probably still as an apprentice, since he was listed as an independent artist in Siena for the first time in 1428 in the painters' guild. In December 1434 he drew up the draft of the floor sgraffito in the first transept of the Cathedral of Siena, which depicts the enthroned Emperor Sigismund. In March 1435 he painted the frescoes Storie dei quattro prottetti di Siena in the sacristy of the cathedral on the initiative of Jacopo della Quercia , which, however, remained unfinished. His surname Ghezzi is first mentioned in 1437 in a contract signed by him in Siena. Around 1438 he worked in Perugia , where he met Domenico Veneziano . From March 1439 at the latest he was back in Siena, where he worked again in the sacristy of the cathedral and this time completed his work ( Storia di San Savino , completed in September 1439).

In 1440 he married Antonia di Pace Pannilini. In the same year, commissioned by the rector Giovanni Buzzichelli, he began his work in the Pellegrinaio room of Santa Maria della Scala in Siena, where he was responsible for the main part of the frescoes. It was there that his main works were written, some of which Priamo della Quercia helped him to carry out . Around 1444/45 he began in the Palazzo Pubblico in the Sala della Cancelleria di Biccherna in Siena with the redesign of the work Incoronazione della Madonna , which was painted in 1352 by Lippo Vanni . This was not completed by him, probably because of his death, but by Sano di Pietro .


  • Perugia, Convento di Santa Giuliana: Madonna e il Bambino fra i santissimi Benedetto, Giovanni Battista, Giuliana e Bernardo , (1438), also known as Polittico di Santa Giuliana , today kept in the Galleria nazionale dell'Umbria .
  • Philadelphia , Philadelphia Museum of Art : Vergine e bambino (created 1437)
  • Siena, Cathedral: Sigismondo in trono tra i suoi consiglieri (Sgraffito, created in 1434)
  • Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale :
    • La Madonna della Misericordia (two parts of the fresco, the main part is still in Santa Maria della Scala)
    • Madonna dell'Umiltà (Room 9, created in 1433)
    • San Matteo e San Galgano (Room 10)
  • Siena, Santa Maria della Scala, Pellegrinaio room: (frescoes, created between 1440 and 1444)
    • Accoglimento e nozze dei trovatelli
    • Cura e governo degli Infermi
    • Distribuzione delle elemosine
    • Elemosina del vescovo e accrescimento dell'ospedale , including La Limosina del vescovo or ampliamento dell'Ospedale della Scala called
    • Il banchetto dei poveri
    • Papa Celestino III concede privilegi di autonomia all'ospedale
  • Washington, DC , National Gallery of Art : Madonna e bambino sul trono coi Santi Pietro e Paolo (1430)


Web links

Commons : Domenico di Bartolo  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Website for Taddeo di Bartolo's entry in Le vite by Giorgio Vasari (English).