Menandros (Diadoche)

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Menandros (Greek: Μενανδρος) was a Macedonian general of Alexander the Great .

At the beginning of the Asian campaign in 334 BC Menandros commanded a division of mercenaries and was in 331 BC. He was appointed satrap of the province of Lydia as the successor of Asandro . In 330 BC He led 2,600 Lydian warriors and 300 mounted soldiers to the main army in Areia. In 323 BC He led the army again to reinforcement in Babylon , where he took part in the last drinking bout of Alexander, who died shortly afterwards. Later propaganda assumed he was involved in a murder plot against the king.

Menandros received his satrapy confirmation from the imperial regent Perdiccas . However, he turned himself in 322 BC. BC against the regent, when he learned of his plans to marry the Alexander sister Cleopatra . The province of Lydia should be handed over to her as her own property. Menandros revealed these plans to Antigonus Monophthalmos , who in turn communicated them to Antipater , which broke out the first diadoch war.

Despite his efforts, Menandros was at the conference of Triparadeisos in 320 BC. Chr. Not entrusted again with the government in Lydia, which Kleitus the white received. Menandros joined the retinue of Antigonus Monophthalmos, probably in the hope of one day getting Lydia back. In 319 BC It was last mentioned when it was unable to prevent the advance of Eumenes from Kardia to Cilicia .

Menandros was the model for the painting "Menandros, King of Caria, in Rhodes" by the artist Apelles .



  1. Arrian , Anabasis 3.6.7.
  2. Curtius 6/6/35.
  3. Dexippos , FrGrHist 100 F8 §2; Arrian Succ 25.2.
  4. Plutarch , Eumenes 9.8-12; Diodorus 18.59.1-2.
  5. Pliny , Natural History 35.93; Pliny was wrong in naming the country. (Enrico Brunn: History of Greek Artists , 1857).