Menzel 2

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Planetary nebula
Menzel 2
Photo from the Hubble Space Telescope
Photo from the Hubble Space Telescope
Constellation Angle measure
equinox : J2000.0
Right ascension 16h 14m 32.4s
declination -54 ° 57 ′ 04.2 ″
Angular expansion 0 ', 5
Central star
Physical data
Radial velocity -29.7 km / s 
distance 7,000 ly 
discovery Donald Menzel
Date of discovery 1922
Catalog names
 PK  329-02.2 • PN G329.3-02.8 •  ESO  178-15 • Mz 2 • Hen 2-150

Menzel 2 or Henize 2-150 , abbreviated Mz 2 or Hen 2-150 , is a planetary nebula in the constellation Winkel Maß in the southern sky. The nebula was discovered in 1922 by Donald Menzel in photographs of the Bruce 24-inch telescope at the outstation of the Harvard College Observatory in Arequipa , Peru, and cataloged by Karl Gordon Henize in 1967.

Individual evidence

  1. a b SIMBAD PK 329-02.2
  2. DN Menzel: Five new planetary nebulae. , bibcode : 1922BHarO.777 .... 0M
  3. Harlow Shapley: Five new planetary Nebulae , bibcode : 1922BHarO.777R ... 3S
  4. ^ Karl G. Henize: Observations of Southern Planetary Nebulae , bibcode : 1967ApJS ... 14..125H

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