Mercer Ice Stream

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Mercer Ice Stream
location Gould Coast , Marie Byrd Land
Type Ice flow
Coordinates 84 ° 50 ′  S , 145 ° 0 ′  W Coordinates: 84 ° 50 ′  S , 145 ° 0 ′  W
Mercer Ice Stream (Antarctica)
Mercer Ice Stream
drainage Ross Ice Shelf

The Mercer Ice Stream (formerly Ice Stream A ) is an ice stream in Marie-Byrd Land in western Antarctica . It flows south of the Whillans Ice Stream in a westerly direction towards the Gould Coast . It is the southernmost of a series of large ice streams that drain Marie Byrd Land into the Ross Ice Shelf .

Scientists from the United States Antarctic Research Program examined the ice streams of Marie Byrd Land in several independent campaigns between 1983 and 1984, naming them in alphanumeric order from south to north. The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names renamed the ice flow described here in 2002. It is named after the geologist and glaciologist John H. Mercer (1922-1987) from the Institute for Polar Research (now the Byrd Polar Research Center ) at Ohio State University , which covers the moraines above the Reedy Glacier and those in the Ohio Range at the head of the Horlick -Ice Stream had mapped.

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