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Structural formula
Structure of merimepodib
Non-proprietary name Merimepodib
other names

N -3- (3- [3-Methoxy-4- (oxazol-5-yl) phenyl] ureido) benzylcarbamic acid ( S ) -tetrahydrofuran-3-yl ester ( IUPAC )

Molecular formula C 23 H 24 N 4 O 6
External identifiers / databases
CAS number 198821-22-6
PubChem 153241
ChemSpider 135060
DrugBank DB04862
Wikidata Q1727082
Drug information
Drug class

Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor with antiviral effect

Molar mass 452.51 g · mol -1
safety instructions
GHS hazard labeling
no classification available
As far as possible and customary, SI units are used. Unless otherwise noted, the data given apply to standard conditions .

Merimepodib is an experimental drug, the effectiveness of which was claimed in clinical studies as an additional agent to the then existing peginterferon α / ribavirin therapy in the treatment of hepatitis C in the 2000s .

Merimepodib selectively inhibits cellular inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH). It has no specific antiviral effect and no viral protein as a target, but a certain effect in combination with ribavirin on cell cultures containing HCV replicon . In a larger study with 286 patients, it showed no effect or additional benefit in treatment-resistant patients. Since the introduction of the highly effective, direct antiviral agent (DAA ) drugs for the treatment of hepatitis C, its use has become obsolete.

Chemical information

The ( S ) -configured enantiomer is used in pharmaceuticals .


The patent is held by Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., Cambridge MA. The patent number of the synthesis is US5807876.

Individual evidence

  1. This substance has either not yet been classified with regard to its hazardousness or a reliable and citable source has not yet been found.
  2. Marcellin P., ea: Phase 2 study of the combination of merimepodib with peginterferon-alpha2b, and ribavirin in nonresponders to previous therapy for chronic hepatitis C. In: J Hepatol . 2007 Oct; 47 (4): 476-483, PMID 17629590 .
  3. VK Rusti et al .: Merimepodib, pegylated interferon, and ribavirin in genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C pegylated interferon and ribavirin nonresponders. Hepatology (2009) 50 (6): pp. 1719-1726 PMID 19852040
  4. Inhibitors of IMPDH enzyme - ID: US5807876.



  • Stamos, Bethiel: In: PCT Int. Appl . 2001., p. 63 pp.


  • Decker, Heiser, Chaturvedi, Faust, Ku, Moseley, Nimmesgern :. In: Drugs under Experimental and Clinical Research . 27./3., 2001, pp. 89-95
  • Markland et al .: In: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy . 44./4., Pp. 859-866.
  • Jain et al .: In J. Pharm. Sci. 90./5., 2001, pp. 625-637