Mestre Braga

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Antonio Neves Braga in May 2019

Antonio Neves Braga , called Mestre Braga (born June 13, 1957 in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil ) is a master and teacher of the Afro-Brazilian martial art Capoeira Angola . Mestre Braga is the founder of the Capoeira Angola Grupo Africa Bantu and one of the founders of the Grupo de Capoeira Angola Pelourinho (GCAP) .

Years of apprenticeship

Braga began practicing capoeira in the early 1970s when he joined the Capoeira Regional Palmares group in Rio de Janeiro at the age of 14. There he met the Mestre Roni, Mestre Zé Macaco and Mestre Cabelo Vermelho. When the group broke up, he continued capoeira with Mestre Touro and Mestre Dentinho in Grupo Corda Bamba.

In 1975 Braga met Mestre Moraes during a roda at Central do Brasil, on the sidelines of the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro . This key encounter brought Capoeira Angola closer to him. Capoeira Angola can be seen as a kind of school or approach to Capoeira based on the teachings of Mestre Pastinha. Mestre Moraes School in Rio de Janeiro was the first school to teach Capoeira Angola outside of Salvador de Bahia. It was originally founded by Mestre Moraes after he moved from Salvador de Bahia to Rio de Janeiro for military service.

Braga practiced in Capoeira Angola under the guidance of Mestre Moraes and received his title "Mestre" on December 16, 1978 together with his colleagues Neco and Zé Carlos. In December of the following year, Mestre Braga, together with Mestre Moraes, paid Mestre Pastinha a visit to Salvador da Bahia .

Foundation of the GCAP

In 1980 the GCAP was founded. The founding idea of ​​the association came from Mestre Neco and aimed to oppose the persecution of African culture by the Brazilian government at the time. The group's logo depicts a berimbau and two fighting zebras, as a reference to the African origins of capoeira. The idea for this symbolism came from Mestre Braga. The aim of the association was to unite all Mestres of Capoeira Angola in Rio de Janeiro under one roof. These were Mestre Moraes, Mestre Braga, Mestre Neco and Mestre Zé Carlos.

In 1982 Mestre Moraes returned to Salvador de Bahia, leaving the three young Mestres with full autonomy and responsibility to continue his teaching. Shortly before his departure, Mestre Moraes also raised his pupil Marco Aurelio to the rank of Mestre.

Foundation of the Africa Bantu group

In 1994 Mestre Braga left the GCAP and founded his own group under the name Africa Bantu. Three years later, in 1997, and after moving to Denmark , he set up Africa Bantu groups in the cities of Aahus and Copenhagen. After moving to Switzerland, he founded an Africa Bantu group in Geneva in 2002 . There he still teaches this trend sport today .

In the documentary Pastinha! Uma Vida Pela Capoeira from 1998 he was seen together with other important Mestres.

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