Mfimi (Kwa)

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The Fimi in the catchment area of ​​the Kasai (top left)

The Fimi in the catchment area of ​​the Kasai (top left)

location Congo Democratic RepublicDemocratic Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of Congo
River system Kasai
Drain over Kasai  → Congo  → Atlantic
source Outflow from Lake Mai Ndombe
Source height about  290  m
muzzle at Mushie in the Kasai coordinates: 3 ° 1 ′ 40 ″  S , 16 ° 55 ′ 20 ″  E 3 ° 1 ′ 40 ″  S , 16 ° 55 ′ 20 ″  E
Mouth height 284  m
Height difference about 6 m
Bottom slope about 0.04 ‰
length 164 km
Catchment area 140,500 km²
Left tributaries Lukenie

The Mfimi (or Fimi ) is a short river in the west of the Democratic Republic of the Congo . With its longest tributary, it has a length of about 1000 km.


The river has its source in the Mai Ndombe Lake . Due to its shape and the changing water levels in Lake Mai Ndombe, a source is difficult to identify. Immediately after leaving the lake, across from Kutu , the hatch opens from the left . After 164 km the Fimi flows into the Kasai at Mushie , which is called Kwa from then on.


Depending on the source, the Fimi is named as a continuation of the Lukenie from the mouth of the Mai-Ndombe Lake, or the Lukenie as a tributary of the Fimi. The two rivers are sometimes combined as the Lukenie-Fimi.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. L'exploitation des affluents du Zaïre et des ports de l'intérieur de 1960 to 1971
  2. Le Kasai et son Bassin Hydrographique