Michael Diekamp

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Michael Diekamp (born December 27, 1938 in Berlin ; † July 29, 2007 in Dresden ) was a German dancer , dance teacher and choreographer .

Diekamp studied dance with Kurt Jooss at the Folkwang School in Essen and passed the exam in 1961. Engagements initially took him to Mannheim and Cologne, and in 1965 he was already dancing as a soloist. After another stop in Dortmund, he began to work with the Cullberg Ballet in Stockholm in 1972 . Diekamp was a member of Pina Bausch's ensemble for three years (1974–77) . His career as a teacher began in Stuttgart, later he also taught as a training director at the Tanztheater Bremen . From then on, he passed on his knowledge of artistic expressive dance, especially the Laban -Jooss technique, in numerous courses and workshops around the world. In 1994/95 Diekamp was appointed professor for modern dance at the Palucca School Dresden , which he held for over ten years until his retirement. Many dancers of the younger generation name Diekamp as a sensitive and pioneering teacher.

Michael Diekamp is the father of the actor Hauke ​​Diekamp .