Michael Gabrielopulos

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Michael Gabrielopulos ( Middle Greek Μιχαὴλ Γαβριηλόπουλος ; † after 1342) was briefly ruler of Thessaly in 1342 as a usurper .


Michael was a relative of the powerful magnate Stephan Gabrielopulos , who after 1318 had established himself as a quasi-autonomous prince in the western Thessalian region around Trikala and in 1325 was recognized by Emperor Andronikos II as Sebastokrator . After Stephen's death (around 1332/33) Thessaly came back under direct Byzantine rule.

Michael Gabrielopulos, who is described in a document as the emperor's oikeios (relative or confidante), tried to make political capital out of the turmoil of the Byzantine civil war between the regency council of the underage John V and the opposing emperor Johannes Kantakuzenos . He invoked his inherited claims to the region around Trikala, expelled the imperial governor Michael Monomachos and declared himself independent in June 1342.

Michael's reign only lasted a few months, as the other Thessalian magnates soon joined Johannes Kantakuzenos. This disempowered him at the end of 1342 and appointed his cousin (or nephew) Johannes Angelos as governor in Thessaly. What became of Michael Gabrielopulos afterwards is unknown.



  • Божидар Ферјанчић: Тесалија у XIII и XIV веку (= Посебна издања . Vol. 15). Византолошки институт САНУ, Београд 1974, pp. 183-189.
  • John Van Antwerp Fine: The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI 1994, ISBN 0-472-08260-4 .
  • Alexander P. Kazhdan (Ed.): The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium . Oxford University Press, New York NY 1991, ISBN 0-19-504652-8 .
  • Costas Kyrris: The Social Status of the Archontes of Phanari in Thessaly. In: Ἐλληνικά. Vol. 18, 1964, pp. 73-78.
  • Ljubomir Maksimović: The Byzantine provincial administration under the Palaiologoi. Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam 1988, ISBN 90-256-0968-6 , p. 134.
  • Donald M. Nicol : The Byzantine family of Kantakouzenos (Cantacuzenus) approx. 1100-1460. A genealogical and prosopographical study (= Dumbarton Oaks Studies. Vol. 11). Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, Washington DC 1968.
  • Donald M. Nicol: The Despotate of Epiros 1267-1479. A contribution to the history of Greece in the middle ages. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1984, ISBN 0-521-26190-2 , pp. 125-126.
  • Alexios G. Savvides, Benjamin Hendrickx (Eds.): Encyclopaedic Prosopographical Lexicon of Byzantine History and Civilization . Vol. 3: Faber Felix - Juwayni, Al- . Brepols Publishers, Turnhout 2012, ISBN 978-2-503-53243-1 , pp. 45-47.
  • Erich Trapp , Rainer Walther, Hans-Veit Beyer: Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit . 2. Fascicle: Βα ... - Γώτ (= publications of the Commission for Byzantine Studies . Vol. 1/2). Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1977, ISBN 3-7001-0235-6 , p. 134 No. 3434.


  1. See ODB , pp. 813, 2074; Fine, Late Medieval Balkans , pp. 246, 253.
  2. See PLP 2, p. 134.
  3. See Fine, Late Medieval Balkans , p. 296.
  4. Cf. Fine, Late Medieval Balkans , pp. 301 f .; Nicol, Kantakouzenos , p. 53; Nicol, Despotate , p. 126.