Michael Kohlstruck

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Michael Kohlstruck (* 1957 ) is a political scientist , anti-Semitism and right-wing extremism researcher. Since 2002 he has been working at the Center for Research on Antisemitism at the Technical University of Berlin . There he heads the office of youth violence and right-wing extremism.

Kohlstruck's work focuses on right-wing extremism and youth research. He also deals with questions about political culture and contemporary history.


Michael Kohlstruck was born in 1957. He studied philosophy, political science, German and social science research methods in Berlin. He then worked as a research assistant in Bremen, Potsdam, Berlin and Aachen. Kohlstruck is a PhD scientist.

Fonts (selection)

  • The dual character of right-wing radical youth culture and the problem of continuity in youth work , in: Wolfgang Benz and Ute Benz (eds.): Youth in Germany. Opposition, crises and radicalism between the generations, Munich 2003, pp. 189–210.
  • Saved idols? Albert Speer, Gregor and Otto Straßer, Rudolf Heß , in: Wolfgang Benz / Peter Reif-Spirek (eds.): Geschichtsmythen. Legends about National Socialism, Berlin 2003, pp. 87–114.
  • Fundamental oppositional politics of history. The mythologization of Rudolf Hess in German right-wing extremism , in: Claudi Fröhlich and Horst-Alfred Heinrich (ed.): Geschichtsppolitik. Who are their actors, who are their recipients? Stuttgart: Franz Steiner 2004, pp. 95-109.
  • "I am proud to be a German". On the structure and history of a political symbol. in : Wolfgang and Ute Benz (eds.): Proud to be German? Aggressive claim and self-evident patriotism. Berlin: Metropol 2005, pp. 53–76.
  • Right- wing young people in Germany - Current developments and tendencies , in: Stefan Wink, Georges Rotink and the city of Mainz (ed.): Right-wing young people. Do we need (new) counter-strategies? Mainz 2005, pp. 16-27.
  • with Andreas Klärner (ed.): Modern right-wing extremism in Germany . Hamburg 2006.
  • Adapted strategy. On the current history policy of the NPD . in: Alliance 90 / The Greens. Fraction in the Saxon state parliament (ed.): The NPD fraction in the Saxon state parliament. Strategy and ideology. Dresden: Bündnis 90 2006, pp. 85-103.
  • with Rainer Erb: A note on the current public discussion about anti-Semitism , 2006.
  • The second story of No. 7. The myth of Rudolf Hess in German right-wing extremism , in: Michael Bienert (ed.): The Four Powers in Berlin. Contributions to Allied politics in the occupied city. Berlin 2007, pp. 217-229.
  • Right-wing populism and right-wing extremism. Gradual or qualitative differences? , in: Richard Faber and Frank Unger (eds.): Populism in past and present. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2008, pp. 211–228.
  • with Daniel Krüger and Ulrich Wyrwa (eds.): Werner Bergmann : Sociological studies. Time, lifeworld and social movements . Berlin: Metropol 2010.
  • with Andreas Klärner (ed.): Exclusion and enmity. Studies on anti-Semitism and right-wing extremism. Festschrift for Rainer Erb , Berlin: Metropol 2011.
  • Strategies against right-wing extremism. Lecture at the 11th Berlin Prevention Day on November 3, 2011 , 2011.
  • Past as future. On the strategy of memory in German right-wing extremism , in: Robertson-von Trotha, Caroline Y. (Ed.): Right-wing extremism in Germany and Europe. Right outside - right 'center'? (= Cultural studies interdisciplinary, vol. 7), Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 2012, pp. 57–66.

Individual evidence

  1. http://zfa.kgw.tu-berlin.de/mitarbeiter/kohlstruck.htm

Web links