Michael Lienau

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The wine merchant Michael Lienau

Michael Lienau (born May 11, 1816 in Uetersen ; † February 27, 1893 in Brooklyn ) is a wine merchant from Uetersen and an honorary citizen of the city of Uetersen. With his millions he sponsored the Credit Association, the construction of the city hospital, the horse-drawn tram and road construction. He also founded the Beautification Association , whose tree plantings still enrich the city today. Lienau bequeathed his entire fortune to the city of Uetersen.


Michael Lienau was born in Uetersen in 1816 in the family's ancestral home on Kuhlenstrasse. He emigrated to America, where he became the largest wine importer in the United States.

After his marriage to the rich American Sarah van Vorst, he returned to Germany with his wife. His new domicile was built on the Moorreger Pinnauseite in 1872. Michael Lienau's brother Detlef Lienau built the building in the style of French country houses. This manorial residence still exists today and is known as Schloss Düneck , although it is not actually a castle. Düneck Castle became Uetersen's secret town hall at the end of the 19th century. There Lienau, Meßtorff, Bleeker , Meyn , Leesen, Lange, Diermissen - men and women who drove the development of the city forward in the early years, met .

Two years after Lienau lost his second wife Sarah to a tragic suicide, he married Emma Louise Lange, the daughter of a mill merchant from Uetersen.

Michael Lienau died in 1893 on a business trip to America at the age of 77. Due to the windy business of his son Michael Lienau Junior, large parts of the family assets were lost, and Düneck Castle could no longer be held.


  • HF Bubbe: Attempt of a chronicle of the city and the monastery Uetersen. I. and II. Volume. Uetersen 1932 and 1936.
  • Lothar Mosler : Blickpunkt Uetersen, history and stories 1234 to 1984. Uetersen 1985.
  • Lothar Mosler: Düneck Castle. A short local history of Moorrege and its surroundings. Uetersen 1989.
  • Uwe Barghaan: Uetersen and Moorrege. CD-ROM. Uetersen 1998.

Web links

Commons : Michael Lienau  - Collection of images, videos and audio files