Michael Stelzer

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Michael Stelzer is a German director , producer and screenwriter .


Stelzer was a first-year directing student at the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy . After graduating, he became a founding member of the Young Guns, a label of Roman Kuhn Filmproduktion, which offered young and talented directors entry into the advertising film industry.

During the Internet boom, he founded his own advertising film production company, Dicke Helden Film GmbH (1999–2005). In addition to advertising and image films, e.g. B. for Reebok and L'Oréal , he also produced interactive moving image formats. Including Germany's first interactive feature film Jack Point Jack , which was made in cooperation with T-Online GmbH. The film premiered during CeBIT 2002 on the broadband portal T-Online Vision (now Videoload ). All the interaction and communication options of the T-Online portal were integrated into the film and thus anticipated the later development of branded entertainment formats.

Since 2003 Stelzer has also worked as a director for television . In 2008 the RTL comedy series Geile Zeit, which he directed, was nominated for the International Emmy Award .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1995 Chip Connection, short film
  • 1996 Little Hollywood, director, producer, short film
  • 2000 Gian Carlo Menotti : Maestro of Two Worlds - producer, documentary
  • 2002 Jack Point Jack : An Interactive Movie - director, producer, script, short film
  • 2002 Axel! - Director, TV series at SAT.1
  • 2005 whack! Made-to-measure comedy - direction, TV series
  • 2006 Six pack - director, TV series on SAT.1
  • 2006 Olm on the go - director, TV series for ProSieben
  • 2007 Geile Zeit - Director, TV series on RTL
  • 2008 Check It Out - director, producer, script, SAT.1 comedy
  • 2011 Zombie Apocalypse - 2nd Unit Director, TV Movie
  • 1996 to this day advertising and image films

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