Michael and the Tredizians

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Michael and Tredizianer is a science fiction - radio play of the West German Radio and the Galaxy Edition of 1975 . It was created in favor of the German Cancer Aid . Dieter Ludwig is named as the author, directed by Dieter Klooss .

The radio play, although from a radio institution produces, was never broadcast on the radio, but was released exclusively on vinyl records and audio cassettes of Ariola .


Michael, Aja and Oja spent their holidays on Uranus . On the way back to her spaceship is from residents of Jupiter - asteroids captured. After wonderful adventures with the Tredizians (partly in a virtual video fairy tale world), the abductees, who are to be arrested for months, manage to escape.


The speakers for the radio play, who, like the other artists, all waived their fee in favor of the good cause, offered a large number of well-known voices. Gert Fröbe , Agnes Fink , Hans Clarin , Elisabeth Flickenschildt , René Deltgen , Thomas Frohn , Ingrid Andree , Peter René Körner , Hildegard Krekel , Boy Gobert , Frank Elstner and Peter Rubin can be heard in leading roles . It is also worth mentioning that one of the child roles was cast by Cornelia Scheel , the daughter of Mildred and Walter Scheel .


In literary studies, the work is called a borderline case within the science fiction radio play, because here there is a strong emphasis on the music written by Heinz Geese : depending on the point of view, the limit to musicals seems to have been reached here .


The radio play contains the following songs:

  1. Farewell song (both introductory as a farewell song from Uranus and as a musical end to the radio play)
  2. Frequency adjustment song (first encounter with the Tredizians)
  3. Introduction song of the fairy tale characters
  4. Chocolate Song (a song about the dragon Karl-Eduard, who liquefies chocolate as his main occupation)


  • Michael and the Tredizians (Baccarola / Ariola), record 89 099 XT
  • Michael and the Tredizians (Baccarola / Ariola), music cassette MC 55 595 XT

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Manfred Nagl: Science-Fiction - A segment of popular culture in the media and product network, literary studies in basic studies 5, Tübingen 1980; P. 115