Michel Mendès France

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Michel Mendès France

Michel Mendès France (* 1936 ; † January 30, 2018 ) was a French mathematician who dealt with analytical number theory .

Michel Mendès France was the son of Pierre Mendès France . He studied from 1957 at the École polytechnique and was professor at the University of Bordeaux until his retirement . He also taught in Montreal .

In addition to work on mathematics, he also published about his father. Michel Mendès France was a member of the Council of the Pierre-Mendès-France Institute .

One of his PhD students was Jean-Paul Allouche , with whom he also published.

In 1999 he and Gérald Tenenbaum received the Prix ​​Paul Doistau-Émile Blutet de l'Information Scientifique of the Académie des Sciences for their book on prime numbers.


  • with Gérald Tenenbaum Les nombres premiers, entre l'ordre et le chaos , Collection UniverSciences, Dunod 2011.
  • with Gérald Tenenbaum Les nombres premiers , Presse Universitaire de France, Que-sais-je? , 1997, 2000.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Death report , Institut national des sciences mathématiques et de leurs interactions, accessed on February 4, 2018
  2. Michel Mendès France, Simone Gros Pierre Mendès France au quotidien , Editions L'Harmattan, 2004