Michelangelo Console

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Michelangelo Console (* July 24, 1812 in Palermo , † May 13, 1897 ibid) was a Sicilian , Italian botanist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Console ".

Live and act

Michelangelo Console was Professor of Botany at the Palermo Botanical Garden and works with Charles Lemaire . In 1897 he described the genus Myrtillocactus belonging to the cactus family .

Honor taxon

Charles Lemaire named the genus Consolea of the cactus family (Cactaceae) in his honor .

Fonts (selection)

  • Su taluni casi morfologici nella famiglia delle Cactaceae . In: Il Naturalista Siciliano . Palermo 1883, pp. 78-79, online
  • Myrtillocactus, nuovo genere di Cactaceae . In: Bollettino del Reale Orto Botanico di Palermo . Volume 1, Number 1, 1897, pp. 8-10.



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Revue Horticole . Paris 1862, p. 174.

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