Miguel da Silveira Lorena

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Miguel da Silveira Lorena († 1832 in Portuguese Timor ) was the governor of Portuguese Timor .

In April 1832 Lorena's predecessor in the office of Manuel Joaquim de Matos Góis died. A councilor (Conselho Governativo) took over the administration until Lieutenant Lorena arrived. But Lorena also died that same year. Again the Conselho Governativo took over, but a dispute broke out. Brother Vicente Ferreira Varela had the other two members of the council arrested and now ran the business alone until the new governor José Maria Marques (1834-1839) arrived in Dili.

Individual evidence

  1. Monika Schlicher: Portugal in East Timor. A critical study of the Portuguese colonial history in East Timor from 1850 to 1912. Aberag, Hamburg 1996. ISBN 3-934376-08-8 , Appendix II; Source: Gonçalo Pimenta de Castro: Timor, pp. 44–162 and Marques, AH de Oliveira : História de Portugal, Volume III, Lisbon, Palas Editores, 1984, pp. 627/628.

See also

predecessor Office successor
Manuel Joaquim de Matos Góis Governor of Portuguese Timor
José Maria Marques