Mihajlo Timčišin

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Mihajlo Timčišin: Portrait of an Old Man (around 1915)
Women's home in the Bosnian mountains (chalk, around 1920), 48 cm × 63 cm.

Mihajlo Timčišin , also Tymczyszyn (* 1889 in Srebrenica , † September 18, 1925 in Zagreb ) was a Croatian painter.


Mihajlo Timčišin studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (1908–1910) and at that in Krakow (1910–1912). From 1919 he worked as a drawing teacher at the grammar schools in Banja Luka and Tuzla . Artistically, he mainly used watercolors, pastels and chalk drawings. His sensitive landscapes and portraits are remarkable. He exhibited in Zagreb in 1920 and 1923, among others.

Contemporary reports

  • Timčišin, Obzor 22. XII 1923.
  • Umro slikar Timčišin, Jutarnji list, 19. IX 1925.
  • Smrt slikara Timčišina, Obzor, 19. IX 1925.

Lexical mentions

  • Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti, JLZ, Zagreb, 1966, 4, p. 422.
  • Andreas Klimt, Michael Steppes: Enciclopedia universal de los artistas indice bio-bibliográfico A – Z, Verlag KG Saur, 1999

Web links