Milton de Freitas Almeida

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Milton de Freitas Almeida (born January 3, 1888 , † after 1946 ) was a Brazilian major general .


Almeida completed an officer training in the army ( Exército Brasileiro ) of the armed forces (Forças Armadas do Brasil) and subsequently found various uses as an officer and staff officer. After his promotion to lieutenant colonel on July 4, 1929, he became commander of the 1st Independent Cavalry Regiment and was then transferred to the reserve in 1931. After his promotion to colonel on August 30, 1934, which was dated back to August 18, 1934, he was general commander of the militia between 1935 and 1938. He was promoted to Brigadier General on May 13, 1939 and replaced Brigadier General Antônio Fernandes Dantas on July 24, 1939 as commander of the 3rd Cavalry Division (3ª Divisão de Cavalaria) . He held this post until March 28, 1942, when Brigadier General Conrabert Pereira da Costa succeeded him on August 7, 1942. He himself switched to the War Ministry in 1942 and was head of the mechanization department there until 1945, where he was promoted to major general on April 27, 1945 . After he was commander of the 7th military region (7.ª Região Militar) from November 16, 1945 to December 29, 1945 , he was last commander of the 2nd military region (2.ª Região Militar) in 1946 .

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Individual evidence

  1. 3ª Brigada de Cavalaria Mecanizada: Commandantes