Minna Singer-Burian

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Hermine "Minna" Singer-Burian (* 1874 in Vienna ; † 1946 there ) was an Austrian singer of classical music with a soprano voice as well as a university professor and later director.


Singer-Burian was the daughter of Barbara Burian-Rupprecht (1844-1885) and had an older brother, Hans Burian (1870-1891). She was married to Jacques Theodor Singer (1866–1939) and had a daughter, Berti Wisoko-Geller, who was also a singing teacher. The family grave is located in the Matzleinsdorf Evangelical Cemetery .

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Singer-Burian was appointed professor for singing at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna in 1930. Because of her Jewish husband, she was threatened with dismissal in 1938 in accordance with the “Ordinance on the Reorganization of the Professional Civil Service”; At the request of the Ministerialrat Karl Wisoko-Meytsky , the dismissal could be postponed until it became obsolete after the death of her husband in 1939. After the end of the war, she took over the management of the academy from Franz Schütz until her death a short time later.

Her students included u. a. Hugues Cuénod , Gertrude Grob-Prandl and Arnold Pauli .

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