Middle Latin yearbook

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Middle Latin yearbook

description International journal for medieval studies and humanism research
Area of ​​Expertise Middle Latin
language German
publishing company Anton Hiersemann Verlag (Germany)
Frequency of publication yearly
editor Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann
Web link hiersemann.de
ZDB 2604-9

The Middle Latin Yearbook (International Journal for Medieval Studies and Humanism Research) is a publication organ of Medieval research.

It was founded in 1964 by the Cologne professor for Latin Philology of the Middle Ages, Karl Langosch , and was published up to and including volume 14 (1979) by Verlag Aloys Henn, Kastellaun. From volume 15 it is published by Anton Hiersemann Verlag , Stuttgart.

It publishes literary and philological essays on the Latin text culture of the Middle Ages. Traditional focuses are palaeography , textual criticism and editions; New additions are literary theory, the history of piety and mentality. The review section provides information on key new publications in the field. The literature report prepared by the editors at the end of a year offers a concise overview of current publications from other medieval studies. The transitional areas between Middle Latin and the vernacular literatures, Late Antique Latinism and early modern humanism are taken into account in both the essay and the review section.

From volume 51 (2016) , the editorial board has the following composition: Michael I. Allen (Chicago), Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann (Zurich), Paolo Chiesa (Milan), Greti Dinkova-Bruun (Toronto), Susanne Köbele (Zurich), Udo Kühne (Kiel), Jean-Yves Tilliette (Geneva) and Bettina Wagner (Munich). Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann is in charge of the project.

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