Udo Kühne

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Udo Kühne (born July 7, 1955 in Herne ) is a German Middle Latin philologist .


Kühne studied at the Free University of Berlin , where he received his Dr. phil. received his doctorate . He then stayed at the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel on a PostDoc grant from the German Research Foundation, where he cataloged manuscripts. In 1989 he went to the University of Freiburg im Breisgau as assistant to Paul Gerhard Schmidt , where he qualified as a lecturer in Middle Latin Philology in 1993 . From 1993 to 2003 he taught and researched at the University of Friborg (Switzerland) , where he received the title of professor in the 2000 summer semester. On October 1, 2003, he accepted a professorship for Middle and New Latin Philology at the University of Kiel .

Kühne's main research interests include Latin poetry and the literary theory of the High Middle Ages, which he makes accessible through text-based working methods; in addition, medieval school reading and manuscript studies.

Kühne is married and has a daughter.

Fonts (selection)

  • Manuscripts in Hanover: City Library, City Archives, Lower Saxony Main State Archives, State Church Archives . Wiesbaden 1991 ( Medieval manuscripts in Lower Saxony. Short catalog 1).
  • with Bernhard Tönnies and Anette Haucap: Manuscripts in Osnabrück: Episcopal Archive, High School Carolinum, Episcopal General Vicariate, Museum of Cultural History, Lower Saxony State Archive, Diocesan Museum, St. Johann Parish Archive . Wiesbaden 1993 ( Medieval manuscripts in Lower Saxony. Short catalog 2).
  • Engelhus studies. On Göttingen school literature in the first half of the 15th century . Freiburg 1996 ( Scrinium Friburgense 12).
  • German and Latin as languages ​​of poetry in the Carmina Burana . In: Contributions to the history of the German language and literature . Vol. 122 (2000), pp. 57-73.


  • Christiana Albertina . 58th edition (2004), p. 85 (with picture).

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