Communications from the trade association for the Kingdom of Hanover

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Mittheilungen the trade association for the Kingdom of Hanover was the headline of a magazine that appeared for the first time at the beginning of industrialization in the Kingdom of Hanover in the Helwingschen publishing house . The trade association for the Kingdom of Hanover was the publisher of the paper, which appeared from 1834 to 1866 and dealt with topics related to contemporary trade, communication and transport .

The editors from the first delivery were Karl Karmarsch and the then official assessor, secretary and co-founder of the trade association Friedrich Wilhelm von Reden .

The communications contained various attachments with the following subtitles:

  • Report by the management of the trade association for the Kingdom of Hanover on the association's activities to date
  • Note sheet of the trade association for the Kingdom of Hanover
  • Directory of the books, machines, models, tools, samples in the collections of the Direction of the trade association for the Kingdom of Hanover

Up to 1852 consecutively numbered 69 issues of the sheet appeared, from 1853 a "New Series" with new numbers. After the annexation of the Kingdom of Hanover by Prussia , the magazine's successor with a correspondingly changed title was the Mittheilungen des Gewerbe-Verein für Hannover .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Compare the information in the journal database (ZDB)
  2. Compare the title of the first edition
  3. ^ Speeches, Friedrich Wilhelm von. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 21, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-428-11202-4 , p. 241 ( digitized version ).