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mod_wsgi is a module for the Apache HTTP server , which enables the execution of Python programs by the web server. WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) is a general interface between web server and Python applications. Since the mod_wsgi module implements the WSGI interface, a network layer between the web server and the Python environment is superfluous.


  • High execution speed,
  • Easy to use WSGI and
  • Can be used on shared servers.

So far, web hosting providers have mainly offered Python with the slow CGI interface ; mod_wsgi should change this and establish Python in the mass market as an alternative to PHP .


The mod_wsgi module can be embedded in the Apache HTTP server or run as a separate system service (daemon). With the former, a higher throughput can be achieved, while the latter allows a clear separation from the web server. The so-called daemon mode allows each process to be carried out with a different user account, which is an important security measure for shared web servers. In addition to the native implementation of WSGI, this is a major advantage over mod_python .

Is programmed mod_wsgi in the C programming language . The omission of a WSGI network layer and the efficient implementation mean that the memory requirement is lower and the execution speed is higher than with WSGI adapters for mod_python or alternative FASTCGI / SCGI / CGI or proxy-based solutions.

Apache HTTP Server versions 1.3, 2.0 or 2.2 as well as Python 2.3 or newer are required for operation.

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