Mohamed Khider

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Mohamed Khider

Mohamed Khider (born March 13, 1912 in Biskra , † January 4, 1967 in Madrid ) was an Algerian politician.

War and Captivity

Mohamed Khider was one of the founders of the Front de Liberation Nationale , or FLN for short. He played an important role in the first years of the Algerian war of independence against France. His main task was to represent the FLN externally. In 1956 he and a group of FLN politicians -  Ahmad Ben Bella , Hocine Aït Ahmed , Muhammad Boudiaf and Rabah Bitat  - were caught by the French who forced their plane to land in Algiers on the way to Tunis. Two years later, during his detention in France, he was elected in absentia to the Algerian government in exile and received a symbolic ministerial post. After Algerian independence, he was released from prison in 1962.

Opposition to Ben Bella

After returning to Algeria, he became chief of staff in the FLN army. He later became its general secretary and was responsible for managing the finances. He fell out with Ben Bella and was ousted by him.

Exile and death

In 1963, Khider went into exile in Switzerland. He took about 12 million US dollars with him, which he wanted to use to finance an opposition to the FLN. In 1967 he was murdered in Madrid.

He was posthumously rehabilitated by Chadli Bendjedid in 1984.

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