Mohammad Mokri

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Mohammad Mokri

Mohammad Mokri (* 1921 in Kermanshah ; † July 12, 2007 in Evry , France ) was an Iranian-Kurdish scientist specializing in the language and poetry of the Kurds: Bijan et Manija . He was part of Ruhollah Khomeini's entourage when he returned to Iran after the overthrow of the Shah .

Mokri wrote more than 100 books and 700 articles and worked for the Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh until his overthrow in Operation Ajax . Mokri is said to have been friends with Mossadegh since he was 20 years old. In 1953 Mokri went to Paris and worked there as a university lecturer at the Paris Sorbonne in exile. He was one of the first to receive Ruhollah Khomeini, whom he had previously visited in Najaf when he was expelled from Najaf to Paris on October 6, 1978. During Khomeini's exile, Mokri acted as his personal advisor. After returning to Iran in 1979, the new government sent him as ambassador to Moscow ( USSR ) and later to Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia . Mokri later distanced himself from the Tehran regime and returned to Paris in 1989. He died in France.

Work (selection)


  • Dictionnaire persan (Farhang-e Fārsi) . Tahuri Verlag, Tehran: 1954
  • A Kurdish-Arabic Dictionary . Librairie du Liban, Beirut: 1975
  • Vocabulaire et bibliographie des langues indo-européennes I, II. Paris, 1977
  • Grammaire et lexique comparés des dialectes Kurdish . Éditions Karthala, Paris: 2003

Middle Persian and Persian Literature

  • Andarz-e Khosrow-i Kavātān . Tehran: 1947
  • Dāstān-e Yūcht Frīān . Tehran: 1952
  • Anthologie de la littérature persane, prose et poésie, du 3e siècle de l'Hégire à l'époque contemporaine (Persian edition). Tehran: 1953, Paris: 2004
  • Bīzhan-u Manīdja . Paris: 1966
  • Les Chants éternels Kurdes (chants d'amour et de douleur) . Paris: 1994
  • Myth gourani Babr-i Bayān (le Tigre Blanc) . Paris Louvain


  • Les Tribus Kurdes, Tribu des Sandjābi . Tehran: 1947-48
  • Toponymes et tribus: les Djāfs de Djawānrūd . Tehran 1945


  • Ni orientale, ni occidentale, la République Islamique . Tehran: 1984
  • Les Frontières du Nord de l'Iran. Caucase, Asie Centrale - Mythology, Histoire et Mémoires . Paris: 2004
  • Research de Kurdology. Etudes d'ethnographie, de dialectologie, d'histoire et de religion (1954–1964) . Paris-Louvain: 1970

Individual evidence

  1. a b Hans-Peter Drögemüller : Iranisches Tagebuch. 5 Years Revolution , p. 197, Verlag Libertäre Assoziation eV, 1st edition, Hamburg, 1983, ISBN 3-922611-51-6

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