Susely Morfa González

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Susely Morfa González (born July 14, 1982 in Rodas , Cienfuegos province ) is a Cuban politician. Since July 2016 she has been chairwoman of the Cuban Association of Young Communists Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas (UJC).

Live and act

Susely Morfa was born in 1982 in the Municipio Rodas, in the central Cuban province of Cienfuegos, and went to school there. There she was president of the Federación de Estudiantes de la Enseñanza Media (FEEM - Federation of Middle School Students), a sub-association of the UJC, the Municipios. During her school years and later while studying psychology at the University of Cienfuegos, she held other leading positions at the UJC. In 2013 she was appointed Second Secretary of the UJC Committee and in July 2016 First Secretary of the Communist Youth Union. She is a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and since the end of 2016 a member of the State Council .

Susely Morfa is considered to be the defender of the so-called Actos de Repudio , where opposition members are harassed and insulted by supporters loyal to the regime, which also attracted international attention. At the Latin America Summit organized by the Organization of American States in Panama in 2015, she and other activists loyal to the regime insulted Cuban opposition figures attending the summit as "worms", "rats", "lackeys of imperialism" and as financed by the USA. When asked by a reporter from the Spanish-speaking US broadcaster Univision who paid for her trip to Panama, she claimed that no one financed her trip, but that she herself paid for this trip with her income as a psychologist.

Individual evidence

  1. Eligen a Susely Morfa como nueva miembro del Consejo de Estado , Cubadebate of December 27, 2016 (Spanish)
  2. Nora Gámez Torres: “Psicóloga de Panamá”, nueva líder de los jóvenes comunistas de Cuba , El Nuevo Herald , July 11, 2016 (Spanish)
  3. Entrevista Completa, sin editar, con la "Psigologa" de la Cumbre , Youtube , April 24, 2015, accessed on July 31, 2016 (Spanish)