Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas

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Basic data
Establishment date: April 4th 1962
Secretary General: Susely Morfa González
Number of members: 700,000 (2012)
Newspaper: Juventud Rebelde
Structure: 16 provincial associations
International: WBDJ

The Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas ( UJC ; German: Communist Youth Association ) is the youth organization of the Communist Party of Cuba ( PCC ). It is not a classic mass organization , but, like the PCC, sees itself as the avant-garde of society. The minimum age is 14 and the maximum age 30, even if the management staff are usually older. A particularly high level of socialist awareness is expected from the members . In exceptional cases, foreigners living in Cuba can also be accepted into the organization.

The UJC currently has more than 700,000 members.

The Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas maintains relationships with 218 organizations worldwide and is affiliated with the World Federation of Democratic Youth . It also participates in 14 other international organizations.

The UJC's press organ is the daily Juventud Rebelde .


In 1928 the League Juvenil Comunista (German: Communist Youth League ) was founded by the first Communist Party of Cuba . It only existed a little more than half a decade.

At the end of 1944, on the initiative of the Partido Socialista Popular , the forerunner of today's communist party PCC, the Juventud Socialista ( Socialist Youth ) was founded, to which Raúl Castro , for example, belonged, but not Fidel Castro, who was active in the bourgeois political camp at the time . After the Cuban Revolution , Che Guevara founded the Asociación de Jóvenes Rebeldes ( League of Rebellious Youth ), which was merged with the Juventud Socialista in 1960 .

On April 4, 1962, the organization was named Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas at the proposal of Fidel Castro during the first congress of the new, united organization .

The UJC has launched several programs aimed at Cuban youth, for example the youth club for computer science and electronics ( Joven Club de Computación y Eléctronica ), the society for rural tourism of the people ( Empresa Campismo Popular ), the Martian youth movement ( Movimiento Juvenil Martiano ), the technical youth brigades ( Brigadas Técnicas Juveniles ), the brigades of art teachers ( Brigadas de Instructores de Arte ), the Trabajadores Sociales (English: social workers ) and also leads the summer campaigns in the country. In addition, organizations such as the Federación de Estudiantes de la Enseñanza Media (FEEM) ( Federation of Technical College Students) , the Federación Estudiantil Universitaria ( FEU - Federation of University Students) and the Organización de Pioneros José Martí ( OPJM - Pioneer Organization José Martí ) are advised by the UJC .

Susely Morfa has been the General Secretary since July 2016 . It is noticeable that five of Morfa's ten predecessors in office since 1987 have already been dishonorably dismissed from their respective functions in the party and government, among them Roberto Robaina and Carlos Lage , who have since been promoted to ministers .

Organizational structure

During the 8th Congress of the Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas in 2004, the following organizational structure was decided:

- Congreso ( Congress )

It meets every 4 years. Delegates from all provinces of the country take part. It appoints the Comité Nacional and the Buró Nacional ( national office ) and draws up the statutes and internal service regulations .

- Buró Nacional ( National Office )

The National Office, chaired by the Secretary General, has seven full-time and 10 to 15 part-time members. It sets the direction of the organization while the National Committee does not meet. There are in every province and in every community a provincial or a municipal office.

- Comité nacional ( National Committee )

The National Committee meets twice a year nationwide. The provincial committees meet three times a year and those of the municipalities four times a year.

First secretaries of the UJC

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bert Hofmann: Kuba , S. 90, CH Beck, 2002, ISBN 3-406-44787-2
  2. Ingreso a la UJC  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , UJC Admission Regulations, accessed October 8, 2012 (Spanish)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / fec.uh.cu  
  3. Grandmother's footsteps , The Economist, March 24, 2012
  4. Susely Morfa González, nueva Primera Secretaria de la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas , in: Cubadebate of July 9, 2016 (Spanish)
  5. Miriam Leiva: La Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas también denota gran envejecimiento , in: Cuba Encuentro of October 2, 2012 (Spanish)
  6. El nuevo Buró Nacional de la UJC , in: Bohemia from April 5, 2010, accessed on July 3, 2013 (Spanish)