Moritz Tullinger

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Moritz Tullinger in 1900

Moritz Tullinger ( 1867 in Vienna - February 26, 1901 in Lussinpiccolo ) was an Austrian opera singer ( baritone ).


Tullinger was trained to sing by Feistenberger. He found his first engagement at the Weimar Court Theater, where he stayed for two years. Then he came to Nuremberg (1892), Rotterdam (1893), Bielitz (1894), from where he was committed to the city theater in Strasbourg, where Franz Krückl gave him the most lively support during his six years of outstanding activity . In 1899 he made his debut as a "hunter" in the night camp at the Stadttheater in Hamburg and should be engaged for this court stage during his engagement there after your extremely cheap guest performance at the Hofopertheater in Vienna ("Johannes" in Evangelimann ). Then this hopeful artist died suddenly on February 26, 1901 in Lussinpiccolo of blood poisoning.

He was a baritone whose soft, lyrical organ always had a rich effect and who knew how to sing his parts with great confidence and deep feeling and how to make them interesting and lively. One praised the freshness, the natural shine and the excellent training of the singer, supported by great dramatic talent.

The opera singer Paula Tullinger (1860–1925) was his older sister.


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