Moritz von Mettingh

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Moritz Freiherr von Mettingh (born April 29, 1827 in Starnberg , † August 22, 1907 in Munich ) was a Bavarian nobleman. He was born the son of the forester Karl Freiherr von Mettingh (1791–1871). Together with his brother, Fritz von Mettingh, he was baptized Protestant on May 13, 1827 in Starnberg Castle by deacon Ludwig Friedrich Beck. His Protestant grandparents (from the Bethmann banking house ) from Frankfurt am Main and the German scholar Johann Andreas Schmeller are said to have attended the baptism .

Inheritance / family

From the late mother Clara Freifrau von Mettingh, he inherited, together with his sister, Freifrau Bertha von Wulffen , and his brother, Friedrich Freiherr von Mettingh, an apartment with a courtyard in the properties No. 3, 5, 7, Akademiestrasse, No. 98 in the Türkenstrasse in Munich.

Moritz Freiherr von Mettingh was married to the widow Caroline Creszenz Hoffmann, née Kramer, on October 10, 1878. However, the marriage did not last long.

Education / profession

In 1815 the Barons von Mettingh were included in the Bavarian nobility register. Mettingh received the Order of Merit from St. Michael IV class and in 1903 the III. Class; In 1906 he received the Prince Regent Luitpold Medal in silver. Moritz Frh. Von Mettingh had to break off his studies due to nervous problems; the resumption of law studies in Heidelberg and Erlangen took place in 1855.

After graduating, he worked in law before falling ill again with nervous disorders. His studies in Munich: languages, historical and art-historical studies. His job title: "Partikulier" (= privateer). All that is known about his further professional career is that he entered the royal service as a chamberlain in 1885 and that he was appointed royal chamberlain in 1903, although this court title has nothing to do with finances, but rather his meaning as " chamberlain ".

Moritz von Mettingh was granted citizenship in Munich on November 22, 1886.


Foundations that he refused to disclose during his lifetime:

  • Foundation for a trade grant in 1893 with 50,000 gold marks
  • 1903: trousseau for young girls

Foundations also went to the former Griesbach district office :

  • Association for outpatient nursing and pounder home in Griesbach
  • for the construction of child care institutions in Birnbach, Aigen, Griesbach, Pocking, Rotthalmünster and Kößlarn (in 1900 with an amount of 10,000 M)
  • for the establishment of a kindergarten in Tettenweis
  • the foundation of a soup establishment (serving warm soups during the winter months)

Other national foundations. The entire foundations totaled 500,000 marks. He was a member and sponsor of the artist support association, the association for holiday colonies and the widows and orphans support association of elementary school teachers. In 1910, a small street in Munich-Neuhausen was named after Moritz von Mettingh for his charitable foundations.


He was a dilettante in the creation of landscape pictures, he bequeathed his drawings to the city of Erlangen and so they are now in the Erlangen city archive.


Grave of Moritz Mettingh on the old southern cemetery in Munich location

The tomb of Moritz Mettingh is on the old southern cemetery in Munich (New Arkadenplatz 165 at cemetery 30) location . Replacement gravestone (original lost due to the war); the tomb bears the following inscription: "Moritz Freiherr von Mettingh royally rests here as the last of his tribe. Kämmerer * April 29, 1827 in Starnberg † August 22, 1907 in Munich. He has established various foundations for needy Munich citizens. The City of Munich honors his memory with gratitude . "

Individual evidence

  1. Lt. Certificate of inheritance from the royal notary Vohmann dd February 3, 1880.
  2. “The marriage between the spouses Moritz Freiherr von Mettingh and Karoline Freifrau von Mettingh is separated due to mutual, insurmountable aversion through the husband's fault”. (Judgment of the Royal Regional Court of Munich I of January 8, 1881).