Moselle ascent

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The ascent of the Moselle is a bypass road planned as a western bypass in Trier , which, together with the federal motorway 64 as a northern bypass, is intended to reduce the through traffic parallel to the Moselle in Trier. The construction has been controversial in state and local politics since its planning.

Course and planning

The western bypass is to connect the federal motorway 64 with the Luxemburger Straße near Konz and thereby relieve the steep ascent of the federal highway 51 in Trier-West . Above all, it serves as a direct link to the Trier-Zewen industrial area . In addition, there would be a direct connection of Konz Saar valley with the A64.


Such a bypass has been planned since the 1980s. However, due to strong criticism from the population, construction was never started. In 2015, the bypass came back on the scene at a meeting between Federal Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt and State Minister Roger Lewentz . Dobrindt sees the planning as a potential to relieve the city, which must be fully exploited, for which purpose he included the project in the federal traffic route plan . However, the state government announced that it still did not want to implement the project.

Lewentz continues to plead for an alternative to finally silence the discussions that have lasted for years. However, a study commissioned by his ministry to check traffic figures in the region gave the CDU and Dobrindt another reason to justify the construction of the Moselle ascent and the Meulenwald motorway . It was determined that an increase in traffic can be expected if planning is not on the table as soon as possible. Alternatively, the state wants to invest 19 million euros in rail transport. This would also relieve the traffic parallel to the Moselle in Trier. A reactivation of the Trier western line also plays a role here.

An additional inclusion of the ascent of the Moselle would contradict the consensus of the SPD / Greens government in the state parliament, since the decision was made in favor of the Hochmosel bridge but against the ascent of the Moselle and the Meulenwald motorway. The government is heavily criticized by the CDU for this stance.

According to current projections, the construction costs amount to 60.1 million euros.

The Greens are therefore calling for the Meulenwald motorway and the ascent of the Moselle to be deleted from the federal transport infrastructure plan without replacement and for modern and sustainable mobility to be used instead. They describe both projects as an "ecological and financial disaster".


Since the plans first came up, the project has been criticized by the local population and prevented by initiative and demonstration. In the affected districts of Trier, there are several posters and events that are intended to draw attention to the project and clearly highlight the counter-stance. The condition of the posters shows how long Trier has been fighting unsuccessfully for the planning to be canceled without replacement.

Particularly since the re-inclusion in the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan 2030 , there has been criticism that the federal government disregards the will of the state in the planning by the state CDU getting support from the federal government.

The CDU itself criticizes the attitude of the state government as “poison green”, which in turn can be criticized as mutual incitement as a negative way of winning supporters.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Controversy over Trier's ascent to the Moselle intensifies. In: Retrieved February 6, 2016 .
  2. a b CDU continues to support the ascent of the Moselle. In: Retrieved February 6, 2015 .
  3. a b c Will the ascent of the Moselle and Meulenwald autobahn come after all? In: Wochenspiegel Trier. Retrieved February 6, 2016 .
  4. a b c Expert opinion: Ascent to the Moselle brings more than the railway. In: Trierischer Volksfreund. Retrieved February 6, 2015 .
  5. ^ Controversy over Trier city bypass - Greens: "Ecological and financial disaster". In: Retrieved February 6, 2016 .
  6. a b City bypass - “Green politics” - “Total disaster”. In: Trier Reporter. Retrieved February 6, 2016 .