Muhammad Reza Agachi

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Muhammad Reza Agachi (* 1809 , † 1874 ) was a choresmischer or Khiva poet . The poet's verses are carved into cartouches in the marble stone bases of the pillars of the Iwane in the harem of the Tasch Hauli palace . These tell episodes from the history of the Khans Chiwas.

Muhammad Reza Agachi was the administrator of the irrigation canals under Khan Alla Kuli . He became famous through instructive chronicles about the Khiva Khanate.


  • Alexey Arapov: The Historical Monuments of Uzbekistan . Tashkent Samarkand Bukhara Chiva Shahrisabz. SMI-ASIA, Tashkent 2016, ISBN 978-9943-17-075-9 , Chiva, p. 111 .