Mukai Shogen

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The residence of Mukai Shogen in Edo , 17th century screen.

Mukai Tadakatsu ( Japanese 向 井 忠 勝 ; * June 5, 1582 ( traditional : Tenshō 10/5/15); † November 16, 1641 (traditional: Kan'ei 18/10/14)), better known as Mukai Shōgen ( 向 井将 監 , dt: "Commander Mukai"), was the admiral of the fleet ( 御 船 手 奉行 ) of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu at the beginning of the Edo period in the early 17th century.

It is reported that he was involved in the preparation of the first Japanese diplomatic mission to Mexico and Europe under the direction of Hasekura Tsunenaga in 1615.

Further, by Richard Cocks , head of the British trading post in Hirado , reported that he, and with him William Adams an invasion of the Philippines have discussed by Japanese forces in the 1616th