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As a mulachak ( Hungarian "mulatság" for "amusement" or "pleasure") a "lively conversation" is referred to in Hungary and partly also in its neighboring countries. In eastern Austria it is also an expression for a boisterous celebration, at which the glasses are broken at the end.

In large parts of Austria, the word stands for a card game with origins in the Salzburg area, in which the aim is to collect the popular number of tricks (see also Rage , Whist , Jass ). There is both a need for color and a need for stitching. The game is played with "double German cards" (actually Central European hand ).

The highest card is generally the sow or dhow of the trump suit, the second highest card is the weli in all suits . This is followed by the king , upper , lower and 10 to 6 in the trump suit .

There are no fixed rules with the mulachak. The rules usually differ slightly from village to village or valley to valley. It is therefore customary for the players to briefly clarify which rules apply before starting the game.

A Salzburg control option

Flachgauer expression: Mulitschak, or Muli, Mulin for short. At the beginning of the round, the dealer has to shuffle and deal the cards. The dealer always changes clockwise after each round.

After shuffling the deck of cards is placed with the back on the table, the player to the right of the dealer now has the opportunity to withdraw the Weli . The withdrawer only has one option and should he withdraw the Weli, the withdrawer may keep this card. The cards are then dealt to the other players. The cards are dealt clockwise. 5 cards are dealt to each player, starting with the player sitting to the left of the dealer. First 3 cards are to be dealt to all players (if the player lifts the Weli, he only needs 2 cards) and then another 2 cards.

All players must now see their cards. If a player only has cards between 6 and 10 among his 5 cards (“under the dog”) the game goes together (“collapsed”) and the cards must be shuffled and dealt again. That is, every player must have at least one under or higher card. If the game goes together, the points are then added or subtracted twice.


The player sitting to the left of the dealer, i.e. the player who received the cards first, must now announce how many tricks he will take. This can only be between 0 and 5 stitches. However, 0 stitches are labeled “none” or “continue”. 5 stitches are called "Muli". In the case of a mule announcement, all players must play (“call”), nobody is allowed to skip the round (“stay at home”).

The next player (s) must always bid at least one more trick or say “next” (ie not outbid). The trick announcement goes to the dealer. The card giver can also outbid the trick announcement. However, the dealer does not have to increase the trick announcement, he can always pull the highest trick announcement towards him, while he calls out "with me". This means that if a player has announced 2 tricks and the dealer calls out "for me", the dealer is now the player with the highest bid. However, the player who announced 2 tricks can now raise again as often as he likes and the dealer can also call out "to me" as often as he likes.

Example: 4 players are playing. Player A is the player sitting to the left of the dealer, player D is the dealer

Player A announces 2 tricks, player B announces 3 tricks, player C calls “continue”, player D calls “for me”. Player D has thus announced 3 tricks. Player B is now free to increase the announcement again. He would have to announce at least 4 tricks. The dealer is now free to pull the sting announcement back to him. The card giver can pull the stitch announcement towards him as often as he likes.

Color selection - trump suit

If it is now clear which player announced the trick, this player must now determine which color is the trump suit. The player naturally chooses the color in which he has the highest and most playing cards.

The remaining players can now decide whether to call or stay at home. If a heart is the trump suit, all players must call.

A special variant allows the player who determines the color to delay the color selection and to take a "bridge" or "pack" (see below). When choosing a color, the player says "I don't know yet", receives 5 cards face down and the sixth card. The color of the sixth card is then automatically the popular stitch color. Therefore, the player gets another seventh card face up.

Card exchange

Then the players can exchange the cards (except for "Muli"). 0 to 5 cards can be exchanged. In general, cards can only be exchanged once and as many cards as the players wish. With 4 or more players it is advisable to limit the exchange. First, the player with the announcement receives the cards, then the players receive their cards in a clockwise direction - starting from the player with the announcement. However, players who exchange all cards only get their cards at the end, see "Bridge".

Special card exchange forms

"One on sight" The player only wants to exchange one card. He is given a card, but it is turned up so that all players can see which card the player receives. The player can now decide whether to keep this card or to have a new card given. If the player wants a new card, he gets it unturned and he has to keep this card.

"Five on the sow" The player must have the sow of the trump suit. He gets 5 cards unturned. Then he must return a card of his choice.

"Bridge" or "Packerl" The player returns all 5 cards. A bridge is always dealt last. If there are several bridges, the deal is again clockwise from the announcer. The player is dealt 5 cards face down and the sixth card turned up. If the sixth card is a trump suit, he is turned up another card. If it is again a trump suit, he receives another card. The player receives additional cards as long as it is a trump suit.

"Six on the seven" This variant - commonly known as "Parenzinern" (derived from the Italian name of the Croatian city of Poreč) - can only be used as a trump suit in Schelle, the player concerned must also have the Schelle sevens before the exchange have on hand. He throws away all the other cards except for the seven clamp, shows it and takes "six on the seven". The player is dealt 6 face down cards and must then discard two of them. Notorious users of this technique are referred to as "Parenzinierer" (Flachgau region).

The game

The player with the stitch announcement must now begin to play. Then the player who took a trick must always lead.

The color requirement means that the players must always play ("admit") the color that was played by the player. Only when the individual players no longer have the color that was played by the player does the trump suit have to be played. The highest playing card is the highest card of the suit led, unless there are one or more trump suits in play, in which case the highest trump suit would be the highest playing card.

Example: trump suit is foliage

player plays Schelle Sau, player B has neither bell nor leaves, but acorn and heart - player B can play acorn or heart (but loses this round)
player C has no bell, but only leaves 8 and a higher acorn - must therefore Play leaf 8 because of the trump suit,
player D owns leaf 10 as well as bell 10 and must therefore "admit" bell 10 because of the compulsory color,

The winner is therefore player C with the 8th leaf, since the leaf is the trump suit, the second highest card is the sow from the player, third highest player D because of the 10th bell (would have won the round without the 10th bell with leaf 10), the player has the lowest card B with acorn or heart (both of which have no stabbing power, as neither played card nor trump suit).
Example: trump suit is heart

player plays the upper heart from player B has no heart, plays bell 9 from
player C plays the sow heart from
player D has leaves and weli, plays weli because of color constraints

The winner is therefore player C, since the sow of hearts is the highest card, player D has the second highest card with weli - could not sacrifice Laub because of the compulsory color, the third highest card is upper hearts and then bell 9.

The points

You start with 21 points for each player. The winner is the player who reaches 0 points first. 1 point is deducted for each stitch. If a player does not take a trick, it "falls" by 5 points. If the announcer “falls”, it falls by 10 points. If a player does not call in a round, this 1 point “falls”.

If the score is only 5 points or more, the player may not bid any more tricks. With 3 points or more, the cards may no longer be exchanged, and the player must now call every game and may therefore no longer “stay at home”.

Doubling of points

If the trump card is hearts, the points are doubled. This means that 2 points are deducted per trick. If a player does not take a trick, it falls by 10 points instead of 5 in hearts, if the announcer falls, it falls by 20 points instead of 10 in hearts.

The points are also counted twice if the game "collapsed" during shuffling.

Instead of taking off, there is also the option of knocking, which means that the points also count twice. After the player taps the pile of cards to the right of the dealer, the dealer shows the bottom card of the pile. If the bottom card is the Weli, the knocking player may keep it.

If two doubles coincide, the points quadruple, if three coincide eightfold the points, etc.


A mule means that 5 tricks are announced by a player, i.e. the maximum number of tricks.

The Muli can be announced immediately after the card is issued. The mule announcer does not have to wait until it is his turn to announce. Then all players have to go, nobody is allowed to “stay at home”. Nobody is allowed to exchange cards. The game can also coincide with the Muli.

Should the mule be made, that is to say "rise", the mule teller writes down by 10 points (20 points for hearts), the other players add 10 points (20 points for hearts).

Should the mule not open, i.e. H. if the announcer does not take the 5 tricks, the announcer falls up by 10 points and all other players down by 10 points (again double for hearts). A variant of this: If the mule does not open, the announcer falls 10 points. The player who “broke” the mule (i.e. defeated the announcer with one trick) falls down 10 points. The other players stay with their number of points.

Web links

Wiktionary: Mulachak  - explanations of meanings, origins of words, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Mulatschak card game, translated by K. Groß (2018)