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The Mumenthalers are an old Swiss family from Langenthal .


They get their name from the hamlet of Mumenthal near Aarwangen , where the family's ancestral home was. A source (a) indicates the year 1325 as the origin. Another (d) mentions an Ulricus Mumenthaler, Burger von Zofingen, as early as 1317. According to (a) originally noble, then free peasant family, it appears after the victory of the city of Bern near Laupen from 1430 as a slave of the rule of Aarwangen. Branches of the family also led to Sumiswald and Trachselwald . A permanent exhibition is dedicated to the Mumenthaler family in the city ​​museum of Langenthal , as the line of doctors and pharmacists listed below in particular shaped the city of Langenthal for three centuries.


  • Mumenthaler (around 75%)
  • Mummenthaler (around 5%)
  • Muhmenthaler (around 20%)
  • Further variations, 1340 to 1553: Mumondal, Mumontal, Mumental, Mumendall, Muomentall (f)

The parts of the tribal lines dealt with here were all written with Mumenthaler.

coat of arms

  • According to the coat of arms collection of Mr. J. Würgler, Emmenmatt: Quartered, 1 and 4 in red golden ploughshare, 2 and 3 in blue golden star. (a)
  • According to (f) further coats of arms from 1330 to 1826: vertically divided, 1 red and 2 white, blue ribbon across the middle and various variations.

Bearer of the Mumenthaler family



  • Marta Meyer-Salzmann , Langenthaler craft doctors and pharmacists in the 18th century, 1984, pages 48–160
  • Hintzsche, " Hans Jacob Mumenthaler , a Bernese Opticus and Mechanicus", in Gesnerus 24, 1967, pages 135-145
  • Mumenthaler-Richard, origin of the Mumenthal family, Catania, Italy 1946
  • Schneebeli Max, craftsmanship in wound medicine in old Bern, Bern, 1949
  • Gsund ärde, Heilkunst im Oberaargau, Peter Geiser, Museum Langenthal, 2004, pages 17-20
  • Travel description by Jacob Mumenthaler (1737–1787), Peter Geiser, Langenthal, 2007

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