Mummius Faustianus

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Mummius Faustianus was a Roman senator of the 3rd century AD

Faustianus was a patrician . After his bursary , which he exercised as a candidate for the emperor, he became a legate of the Diocese of Hipponensium in Numidia . In 262 he held the consulate with Emperor Gallienus . In the year of his consulate fell an important event that marked a significant turning point in the reign of Gallienus, the December celebration in September. As the first emperor after Severus Alexander , another ruler could celebrate his ten-year jubilee on the throne. After the consulate, Faustianus was curator of the Via Appia and praefectus alimentorum . Faustianus was also a member of the Quindecimviri sacris faciundis .

Faustianus was married to Tarruntenia Paulina; his sons were Mummius Faustianus Tarruntenius Paternus and Mummius Faustianus Junior, as well as the daughter Mummia Tarruntenia Corneliana.



  1. AE 1998, 1569 ; Nummius Fausianus in CIL 14, 5357 and chronograph from 354 . Faustinianus in Consularia Constantinopolitana and Chronicon Paschale .
  2. AE 1975, 819 .