Museu das Migrações e das Comunidades

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The Museu das Migrações e das Comunidades in Fafe , Portugal opened in July 2001 as a migration museum .

After the Portuguese colonial migration between the 16th and 18th centuries, almost 1.3 million Portuguese emigrated between 1855 and 1914. In 2000, there were around 4.8 million Portuguese citizens living abroad. The Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the end of 2017 a total of about 15 million Portuguese-born people abroad from Other sources speak with the involvement of the grandchildren of well over 30 million out.

Many Portuguese emigrated from Fafe and some of them returned. The traces of this Portuguese migration are documented by the museum.

Physical museum

The main location of the physical exhibition is the Casa Museu , one of the many mansions ( Brazilian houses ) of the wealthy emigrants who have returned from Brazil. There are also historical sites ( Sitios Históricos ), such as a hydroelectric power station, a hospital, factories, and public walking paths, the origin of which can be traced back to the return of "Brazilians" and which can be visited. In the historical archive ( Arquivo Histórico ) documents such as lists of ships, lists of passports, residence and work permits, letters etc. as well as objects are kept.

Virtual museum

The internet is used to make digital media and large amounts of data accessible. The museum offers the following virtual rooms :

  • The Room of Remembrance ( Sala da Memória ) shows the symbolic and visible traces of emigration such as architecture, social, cultural and economic activities in the destination countries.
  • Diaspora Room ( Sala da Diáspora ) is a database for understanding and finding information about Portuguese communities and individuals abroad ( Diaspora ).
  • Ancestral room ( Sala da Ascendéncia ) for genealogy .
  • The Society's Room ( Sala das Comunidades ) is dedicated to associations and Portuguese associations in the context of migration.
  • The Lusophonie room ( Sala da Lusofonia ) deals with the foreign works of the Portuguese language .
  • The Room of Knowledge ( Sala do Conhecimento ) shows not only scientific treatises on colonization and emigration but also works from a wide variety of scientific fields.


  • Miguel Monteiro: Migrations, cultures of remembrance, museums: the “Museum of Emigration and Communities” in Fafe . In: Portuguese migrations . Ed .: Teresa Pinheiro, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaft 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-17075-6 , p. 245 ff.

Web link

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Informação tratada é importante para conhecer a realidade dos 15 milhões de portugueses e lusodescendentes - "Prepared information is important to know the reality of the 15 million Portuguese and people of Portuguese origin " , article of December 29, 2017 in the Diário de Notícias da Madeira newspaper , accessed on December 15, 2019
  2. Há 31,2 milhões de portugueses no mundo - "There are 31.2 million Portuguese in the world" , article in the news portal of the Portuguese television channel TVI , accessed on December 15, 2019
  3. Miguel Monteiro: Migrations, Cultures of Remembrance, Museums: The "Museum of Emigration and Communities" in Fafe . P. 245 ff.
  4. Miguel Monteiro: Migrations, Cultures of Remembrance, Museums: The "Museum of Emigration and Communities" in Fafe . P. 248 f.

Coordinates: 41 ° 27 '2.4 "  N , 8 ° 10' 22"  W.