Museu do Contrabando

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The Smuggling Museum in Santana de Cambas on the border between Portugal and Spain

There are two museums in Portugal dedicated to smuggling . One is located in northern Portugal in the village of Moimenta (Vinhais) in Vinhais County . The other Museu do Contrabando opened on June 10, 2009 in Santana de Cambas , southern Portugal .

Both museums document the cross-border smuggling, which mainly took place between 1852 and the First World War and during the Spanish Civil War between Portugal and Spain.

In southern Portugal, the search for metals, more precisely pyrite or copper from the Mina de São Domingos , which was operated until 1966, led to the smuggling of explosives across the Spanish border, against which up to twelve checkpoints were set up. In addition, food and tools were smuggled in, depending on how prices developed across the border, especially since both dictatorships, under Franco and under Salazar , tried to control prices .

The museum in Santana de Cambas, created in the former Guardia Fiscal building on the initiative of José Rodrigues, collects narratives and reports as well as documents from state bodies and makes them accessible. Uniforms, typical equipment and carrying devices are also on display. One of the two rooms of the small house is equipped with a wall map that shows all the paths and waterways of the smugglers (contrabandistas).


  1. Inaugurado Museu do Contrabando em Santana de Cambas ( Memento of the original from July 2, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , in: Mertola online, July 7, 2009. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Coordinates: 37 ° 37 ′ 52.3 "  N , 7 ° 32 ′ 47"  W.