Nutmeg Trollinger

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Nutmeg Trollinger

Muskat-Trollinger (also: Muskattrollinger) is a very late-ripening red wine variety with large berries, which was mentioned as early as 1836. It used to be seen as a variant or a descendant of the Trollinger (perhaps through an accidental crossing with the Muscatel ). Muscat Trollinger is now considered an independent variety and, like the Trollinger, is mainly grown in Württemberg .

As a table grape, it is also known as Muscat Hamburg and is widely grown. Around 1900 she was often brought up in greenhouses together with the Trollinger (Black Hamburg). The Netherlands and Belgium in particular were known for their greenhouse grapes.

The vine owes its name to the intense but unobtrusive nutmeg bouquet ; it shares the ruby-red color and good digestibility with the Trollinger.
